F-14AM - The Iranian Tomcat - History, Performance, and Discussion


OK, seems like LAU-93 adapter was bought and used. And there would no reason to buy and mount the adapter unless you were going to mount AIM-54s on the wing pylons.


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Made a report here:

Iranian F-14A missing AIM-54 for the under-wing pylons:



The there any information on the RWR on the IRIAF F-14A and if it was upgraded at all or not? Seems odd they wouldn’t whilst introducing more capable missiles like the Fakour and Fater.

Them having the same primitive an/alr-45 from the early 70s when they put the funds and resources to develop new missiles like the Fakour for it well into the 2010s is hard for me to believe. I guess it’s just easier for balance to make it as close as possible as the tech tree F-14A.

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True true.

Anyone else noticing the abnormal amounts of “dud” launches and/or weird behavior of the Sedjeel?

Flying at 5000m, lock target at about the same altitude 50km away, fire the missile and it does a hard nosedive immediately off the rail. Something is wrong with this thing. You can see in my player’s view that I was a bit puzzled by what I saw.

Yeah. I have had stuff like that happen too. Like what happens with the aim7f but more often.

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Incredibly surprised that this hasn’t been reported before, the F-14 in-game is capable of carrying 2x AIM-54/Fakour-90s alongside 2x AIM-7s which should be physically impossible as the 2nd AIM-7 in-game is currently clipping into the front AIM-54/Fakour-90 adaptors.

Historical image to show an example of how it SHOULD look like, may be of course wrong


This is how it currently is in-game



It should be fixed. But it wouldn’t change anything because you would still be able to carry two Sparrows at the front and two Phoenix at the back without clipping.

So the loadout would be the same but the position of the missiles would be different.


There would most likely be wiring limitations for that, I’ve seen absolutely no images of US service F-14s carrying rear AIM-54s alongside frontally placed AIM-7s. It’s either been 2x AIM-54s at the front and 1x AIM-7s at the rear or just one type of missile entirely.

I could be completely wrong and I’d like to be proven wrong if that’s the case, from what I’ve seen the representation in-game is somewhat wrong in what it should be able to carry.

They didnt use it in service simply because of no operational need for such loadout and also due the fact that rear mounted AIM-54 made the F-14 very rear heavy. This config could create unwanted imbalance during takeoff and landing which could be fatal for carrier operations.


There wouldn’t because those stations are clearly wired for Sparrow and Phoenix.

There’s plenty of mixed loadouts you can make in game that probably weren’t not used IRL.

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That loadout is impossible, because the coolant for the AIM-54 is only stored in the nose launcher.

It may be possible for the AIM-54C/ECCM version that does not use coolant.

There is no evidence that Fakour-90 needs coolant either.
It’s obviously uses solid state electronics so …

@David_Bowie @InterFleet

BTW, I had made a report about the wrong diameter and length here:

But only the incorrect diameter was forwarded, and the incorrect length was not forwarded. Evidence for the incorrect length is provided in the section “1” in the report.

The AD-40A which is the export variant of the Fakour-90 is 3960mm (same length as AIM-54).
The only difference is that it is made lighter by the virtue of removing the booster grain/pour of the propellant.

But this shouldn’t result in a change of length as the boost and sustain grains/pours of the propellant are co-centric, not back to back.

Plus, the M112 motor by itself is only 2.678m (with “tail can and 3 fins”), so the total length of 3.960m makes complete sense.


REXUS 2 – THE FIRST EUROLAUNCH PROJECT: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/17047516.pdf

That’s the motor + fins, so 3960 makes even more sense.

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It is just asking but, Is the issue known to the developer?

I mean we have regular A model and B model but, still not fixed that issues for somehow.

There wouldn’t because those stations are clearly wired for Sparrow and Phoenix

Both the F-14A and F-14B were declassified if I recall, I’m not someone who bothers to look at manuals so if you can be asked go look into it a bit. Just funny how both Iran and the US were never pictured with such configuration, best to look at officials things to get the right picture.

Does anyone have any information on the Yasser rocket and if it ever had proximity? Seems kind of random to force players to use proximity on a propelled bomb making it somewhat useless.


The promixity fuze was removed, it works fine now.

@sudo_su1 Fakour and Sedjil turn radius significantly improved, overload increased to 20G
Pleasure working with ya there