This is an issue I am relatively new to, but I have done a bit of research. Seafire FR 47’s Griffon 88 engine is clearly underperforming, as it’s running at 21 lb boost(~2.42 ata) with 150 octane fuel, same as the Spitfire Mk 24, when it never ran this setting, and with 150 octane fuel should be running 25 lb boost(~2.7 ata), and producing 2350-2400 horsepower.
I’ve looked through the prior bug reports on this issue, and found that a number have been rejected for only having 1 acceptable source, such as this one.
However through this I have managed to accumulate 3 “secondary sources” which were all also at some point or other deemed acceptable by Gaijin, that show the Seafire FR 47 and/or Griffon 88 engine running 25 lb of boost with 2300-2400 hp.
Unfortunately the Spitfire’s technical/user manuals only show data for 18 lb of boost with 130 octane fuel, so as far as I am aware there is no “primary source” in existence for the 25 lb boost with 150 octane fuel. In one of the previously rejected bug reports I found, it was stated by Gaijin “This aircraft (model) is flying within the correct limits outlined in the Pilot’s Notes for Supermarine Seafire FR 47 (Air Publication 2280H-P.N.)”. But the Pilot’s Notes for the Seafire FR 47 doesn’t state ANYTHING about the boost with 150 octane fuel, it ONLY provides information for hp with 18 lb of boost with 130 octane fuel. This is the same with manuals I have seen for other Griffon spitfires as well, data is for 100/130 octane fuel only.
So it seems Gaijin does not actually have any primary source for their implementation of 150 octane fuel on the Seafire FR 47, and so I can only assume they have chosen to just copy-paste how they’ve implemented it on the Mk 24 in an ahistorical manner and ignore all the secondary sources. However, the Spitfire Mk 24 should also be capable of running 25 lb of boost with its 150 octane fuel, and the Spitfire Mk 14 and Mk 22 should be able to run 21 lb of boost with 150 octane fuel, if they had it, which is not the case ingame but was used IRL.
Incredibly, so far the only reason I have managed to find that all of these Griffon spits are running sub-optimal boost settings is because way back in the day, it was Gaijin’s opinion that they would be too unbalanced at the time.