Sd.Kfz.251/10 Ausf. B

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While the Sd.Kfz.251/10 Ausf. D is allready in game, it was an event vehicle, however the /10 armed with the 3,7 cm Pak L/45 was build on a multitude of different chassis, including the Ausf. B.
While the Ausf. D has a slightly improved armor layout, which mainly was to simplefy and speed up production, the Ausf. B can have a place in game in the normal tree. Generally gameplay wise, it will be allmost identical, however the later Ausf. B started to see the Vehicle shields for the 3,7 cm guns, which was 2x 5mm spaced by 25mm air shields which had a lower but wider profile, instead of the field Pak shields which where far higher.
The Ausf. B i suggest would be either a normal or this unique variant, that has the normal shield, with the top part, which can be folded forwards and also taken off, which was taken off as well as a new big frontal armor extention to protect more of the crew from the front.

Pictures:(Click to show)

And the normal ones:

History of the Sd.Kfz.251:
The AHA IN6 (Inspectorate of Motorized Troops) requested a armored Half track to accompany tanks on the offensive and perform auxiliary mission in 1939. These tasks were (not limited to) Scouting, mobile HQ, command vehicle, radio vehicle, forward observer and ammo carrier. And be a bigger version to the then also in development Sd.Kfz.250, its smaller brother.
It was an development of the Sd.Kfz.11, which was made by Demag, who was allready recognized for their expertise in very small and fast half tracks, which was recently accepted into service. Of these Sd.Kfz.11 were around 12.000 produced until 1945 and additional 15.252 of the armored version Sd.Kfz.251. The armored body was designed and produced by Büssig-NAG abd called Mittlerer gepanzerter Mannschafts Transportwagen (medium armored troop transporter) with the number Sd.Kfz.251.

The /10 was a command and support vehicle armed with the 3,7 cm Pak L/45 and an AA Mg 34/42 at the back.

The Gun:
3,7 cm Pak L/45 and Mg 34/42 in AA mount.
216 / 2010 Rounds of ammo. -10° to + 20° Elevation, +/- 15° Traverse

Pzgr. Aphe 0,685 kg 13g Pent 745 m/s 47mm/10m


Pzgr. 40 APCR 0,368 kg 16x58 mm 150 g Core 1020 m/s 86mm/10m


Sprgr. 40 He 0,665 kg 45 g Pent ( 76,5g TnTa) 780 m/s


The Vehicle:

Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 14.5 mm (20°) Engine compartment
14.5 mm (29°) Driver cabin
8 mm (42°) Lower glacis 8 mm (41°) Top - Engine
8 mm (35°) Top - Crew compartment
8 mm (19°) Bottom - Engine
8 mm (34°) Bottom - Crew compartment
8 mm + 8 mm (34°) Storage bins
8 mm Bottom - Undercarriage 8 mm (30°)
5.5 mm (41°) Lower glacis 8 mm (9°) Engine compartment
5.5 mm Driver compartment
5mm Gunshield

Speed: 53 km/h
Weight: 8 ton
Engine: 100 Ps/2800 Rpm

Sd.Kfz.251 Manual
Spielberger Halbkettenfahrzeuge 1989
Waffen des zweiten Weltkrieges: eine Enzyklopädie

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