Scouting Needs A Major Rework

Scouting needs to be removed or majorly reworked. It makes no sense for it to exist in a game where palcement is everything. I should not be heard from 2 blocks away, have V pressed on me and be seen on the map for the next minute or god knows how long by the entire enemy team. It kills any other playstyle that isn’t brawling. Here’s what I propose:

Scouting should be based on stationary positions. If you scout a position, the marker should stay in the area (or rather a certain radius - like 100mm within the scouted position) and the scouting player would receive scouting rewards for any tanks killed within that radius until the scout marker disappears. This way if they camp, they will be pointed out to your team. But it also won’t mean that if they are forced to retreat or change position, they have no chance of escaping because the enemy team has a perfect trail straight to their spot where they are, say, repairing or having their new position immediately compromised.

Said positional scout would disappear after about a minute or after you, or another light tank confirms that there is noone in that position (a small reward could be given to the player in form of a few silver lions or like 50RP for confirming the position is empty, just like scouting does)

Current scouting is just an annoying overpowered mechanic that ends many otherwise nice flanks. It just feels like another mechanic to aid people with severe lack of situational awareness. I like the scouting idea, just not hte current execution. Coupling that with the airstrike option that just makes it even more ridiculously easy to spawn already overpowered CAS, it just doesn’t make sense from any standpoint.

Either way it would be nice ot have an indicator saying that we are scouted.


Agreed. The way it is implemented right now, with markers floating above the enemy tank, just goes against the core of Ground RB.
It is not even realistic, being able to track enemies that are behind cover. It’s closer to wall hacks than anything in real life.

I have had major discussions about exactly that and experienced many players being against his mechanic because of issues with realism. But since we now have missile evade indicators, I don’t see why that shouldn’t be a thing, too.

Also, what I would like to add is that too many tanks have this feature right now.
Especially at the BRs ranging from 9.0 - 10.0, you have a lot of medium like light tanks that have a few (unimportant) millimeters less of armor but therefore are more mobile. I don’t get why a TAM for example should have scouting while a Leopard doesn’t, both are used as MBTs irl and play like that ingame, too.
So I believe only vehicles that are highly situational (XM800T, Marder…) should have this feature, not the ones that are literally just medium tanks on wheels etc.


Scouting is a integral part of the game. If you dislike it so, you should go play simulator.

Light tanks gameplay relies on staying hidden. If scouting were removed, they would be overly powerful. If you are detected in a flank and scoured, that’s on you. In real life, or in squads, we would have reconnaissance continuously points out a player’s position. Because there is a lack of continuous position communication in random battles, scouting fulfills such a purpose.

If there was no scouting, or scouting was nerfed, flanking would be extremely cancerous. We already see many spawn campers hiding behind hills and sniping vehicles coming out of spawn. Without any way to continuously relay their location, this tactic would be extremely frustrating to face. Flanking shouldn’t be risk free.

Yeah, the commander can throw a sticky GPS tracker onto the enemy vehicle in 1km, and it has a one minute battery lifespan lol


Scouting in your opinion is to counter enemy light tanks? With the addition of scout drones which only light tank class could use, two light tank sitting at spawn could reveal all the enemy position which technically broke sneaking around with any vehicles pointless at 8.7, game has turning more arcadish with every addition of flying objects that render stealth useless, many vehicle regardless of their class are greatly affected by this mechanic and render their strong points useless, example, speedy medium tanks with no armor, how are they going to perform if their position always gets called out by the enemy? There is a reason why light tanks or armorless vehicles in arcade are mostly underperforming.


You already have scout drones, map markers, MG marking even if you don’t hit the tank directly, chat, plus the positional scouting. Trust me, it wouldn’t be that bad.

It is not like you can just rush out with a medium tank. There is no big difference, ofc depending on the rank.

You probably haven’t played War Thunder before the introduction of scouting but it worked perfectly fine without it.

Sometimes 1 millisecond of somebody noticing you is enough and will lead to the whole enemy team being alerted by your presence. But that’s only the case when that somebody is a light tank which is just an element of more luck being involved. If that somebody was a medium you somehow didn’t deserve being scouted or what?

The scouting feature is closer to wall hacks than anything irl as it is implemented right now.

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There’s one game that I think did “Scouting” well in a realistic-attempting environment.

America’s Army 2.8.5/SF


Spotting, done by squad leader/fireteam leaders puts a fixed red diamond on the minimap that stays there and doesn’t move. These videos demonstrates that functionality. Also notably, it doesn’t rely on whether you actually see or don’t see the target, allowing you to “spot” thru obstacles (and conversely, mislead your team by spotting that which doesn’t exist.)

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