So after finally grinding enough to get the Scimitar I’ve noticed the base APHE rounds once fired are invisible… No trace of where their going until they hit the dirt or if you’re lucky the tank you’re aiming at. Normally on every other round you can see ether a tracer or at the very least the round itself but the 30mm APHE? Nothing.
The HE rounds though - you can see exactly where they’re going and adjust accordingly.
I’ve also noticed the acceleration is abysmal in stock - To the point where what was at the time one of the fastest tanks in the world gets nicely outpaced by heavy or artillery pieces.
Surely this can’t be the expected behaviour for both the rounds and the vehicles handling?
Is the APHE supposed to have a tracer?
It doesn’t say that it doesn’t. Especially considering the HE does. There’s also plenty of other rounds that you can “see” despite not being full on tracer rounds.
There’s not even a shimmer where the round went. Just bang - nothing - impact/puff of dirt from the APHE.
HE rounds - Bang - orange glow - impact/bigger puff of smoke from HE going bang.
I dont think the SAP shells were tracer for RARDEN.
It doesn’t improve gaijin screwed the vehicle up. Its gearing is wrong
It also has a fire control system in game which disables your gun when it shouldn’t. I don’t recommend playing the vehicle until its fixed, stick to the far superior fox and AML 90
I’m in the wonder world of grind for the fox at the moment… the AML 90 is fun though when you get the right spot.
Still not as gremlin like as the as the Daimler mkII though as it’s still my favourite British wheeled vehicle as no-one expects it.
Shame it doesn’t get “the Littlejohn” adaptor though - that would make it into something that could even bother a Tiger from the sides.