SARH Missile Performance Issues

and this has been said for just about every plane in the game vs U.S planes for over 10 years ESP Jets. The Mig 19 fiasco and gaijin did nothing. now the mig 19 is at 9.3 destroying everything under its BR.

Whilst yes, Uptiers and Downtiers are impossible to balance. Anything at top or near top tier needs to be taken with an exception. Something like the Mig-19 can see


Mig-19 is a 9.7 in RB

The F-15 however can only see:


That’s it, in theory.

I assume there might also be 12.3-12.7 games maybe, im not sure. But unlike the Mig-19, the F-15A is not going to see many uptiers. and with an influx of people probably playing 11.3/11.7s currently (especially a lot of people in the premiums). I reckon an F-15 might be more likely to see a downtier to 11.3 matches than an uptier to 12.7 matches (which are probably most often filled with only 12.7s)

Thats all. Any and all top tier aircraft face this at some point.

though this is dragging this topic off-topic. Perhaps if the SARH problems that OP was talking about were fixed, the F-15 would be able to hold its own perfectly fine with 8 top tier missiels at 12.7

There’s no point conversing with that guy, he has an unbreakable biased agenda.


just sideclimb bro

People in premiums, not something i’ve ever cared about, everytime i see my team filled with F4S i already know how its going to go, esp when a majority of them are lvl 30 accounts or lower. Anyone that know how to fly can easily adjust to a F15, fly low stay behind mountains with maps that have them. There is nothing thats going to be able to " adjust " to a plane with a HMD with radar missiles going near mach 6, when your missiles will miss for no reason, half the time and only go a max of mach 4.

In an F-15 a super easy ACE i imagine.

The point is that you are more likely to be downtiered at 12.3 than uptiered.

You don’t even have the F-15, and thats rich coming from the guy who has the Hunter FG9, enjoy killing those 8.3s with the aim 9Es? Then you have the nerve to talk about " bias " FOH

So to understand here. Everyone is experiencing this issue? If so, can we get more documented cases of this to file a worthwhile report please? I’d like to garner enough attention that this isn’t brushed off anymore. It’s pretty frustrating to put ones self in jeopardy firing off missiles that are often not doing their job.

I’d also like to direct the topic back on track before it gets closed for off-topic.

You don’t have almost any of the planes you talk about daily. Doesn’t stop you does it? Believe it or not… I have most of the planes I talk about and the ones I don’t I infer based on education…something you lack lmao

also fucking LMAO trying to comb my stat card for a vehicle you deem “overpowered” and THEN coming to the conclusion that the BEST you could find is a AIM-NINE-EEEEEEE at 9.3 lmao


Every nation and every SARH is experiencing the latest (intended or not) nerfs to SARH, yes. This includes R-27ER despite what most ppl want to bitch about

This situation will likely be resolved over time when more 12.3’s are added

We can hope. Though I feel they would have done that first if they could have.

Except this isn’t acceptable. It should simply be 12.7 now and fix the issue UNTIL decompression arrives.

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They thought the f-15a would been as good as the other jets but they failed at that prediction.

That is your opinion and you’re free to have it.


So what is your point in posting?

Agree to disagree. I doubt decompression will come any time soon.

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I think its more a victim of being WIP and the fact that US players have been steam-rolling for the past year (especially in the past 3 months) with the additions they got throughout 2023.

The F-15A is probably the first hard jet they’ve had in that time. We’ll have to see how it does when it gets its proper radar. Might change it completely. Im also hoping for a muitli-pathing overhaul whenver ARH gets added. which again, will transform that aircraft. Though I reckon they’ll be on the F-15C MSIP II in that update, so its kinda a mute point.

I’m asking you what your goal is in telling people what you told the other person.

It is my thoughts on gaijin’s mistake. This is a forum, people give their inputs here. You can read more about it in Internet forum - Wikipedia

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Do you think you’re funny?