Does anybody here use this ammunition? do you find it more viable than the HE?
I bring a couple with me but haven’t found a good use for it yet.
It feels like APHE but this one has a lot of explosive fillers and not enough penetrating power, I did a fair bit of test, it couldn’t pen most mbt frontally but if you shoot them in the turret cheek can often result in overpressure through the roof of the hull, it’s almost similar to how we use HE but this one is more reliable in a flank should you only have an access to enemy side armor. I’m surprised that it can reliably pop T-72s through the turret cheek, so does the HE.
It still packs a noticeable amount of filler, i tend to use it against either thinner targets or shoot turret rings or places where the shell doesn’t bounce off since that triggers the fuse pretty well ( things like shot traps or flat armor against which HE may not really work or wouldn’t do frag damage).
It’s still a niche shell, and I find that HE regularly performs better ( unless you’re shooting through thin cover or foliage which would trigger HE)