Seversk winter 6 times in a row. Last time I didn’t even bother, I just crtl/alt/del closed the down game. Last I looked there are at least 50 maps not including the variations of each map so why am I getting the same map 6 times in a row???
Im away to play MoH:AA instead
If you’re quitting each and every one of those out of your dislike, I heard that the map cycle works in a manner where if you keep requeueing you will keep hitting that same map.
That is just a chatroom myth though to explain this phenomena.
It’s more to do with the BR/mode you have queued for and what’s available in that range.
(Edit - False flaggers are just spetic and need removing…)
I only bugged out after the 6 map in a row. I played all the previous 5.
I had a month ago a more than 3 hour session getting nothing but europen province on the same mode and same side.
I have not quitted any match before i used up all my respawns/the match ended.
It was like around 20 matches in a row.
If you think I actually care about any of your issues considering your antics around the forums here, you’re sorely mistaken.
I’m helping the genuine player who’s looking for help.
(Edit - False flaggers are just spetic and need removing…)
O_HOgameplay : So the selection doesn’t work or doesn’t work well. What interest would Gaijin have to fix on the same map?
Nothing. As long as it sort of works it is unlikely to be fixed.
Because the matchmaker in this game breaks every update or so, for all intent and purposes there is no matchmaker, it just shuffles between 5 or 7 maps every few days, so you get different flavors of maps, sometimes it’s city-mania or mixed open maps lol.
I’m not crying, you’re crying…
I told you, I ain’t gonna lift a finger for you, and the advice I made in the first post stands true.
You need to fix your top lip.
(Edit - False flaggers are just spetic and need removing…)
You are doing exactly that - crying.
Truth hurts you so much when you can’t disprove anything i say, so you just resort to this kinds of things.
I have gotten Severesk-13 3 times in a row multiple times. Such a bad map too.
That is false.
While what i was talking about was full matches, i’ve had many times when i got the same awful map in a row 8Iberian castle for example) where i just left without even spawning.
Probably a bug…happened before and usually fixed after a few hours/days…
Again, I don’t care for your issue. Take the hint.
As I said to the OP, trying to change the BR slightly could make a difference. Nothing is ‘false’ about my statement. I literally do not care what you say, or what your issue is…
I can’t stand Seversk-13 any longer either. During Object 292 Event when i also grinded Sweden alongside i kept getting it all the time alongside Flanders, almost went insane.
From what i can see the Game has a total of 53 Maps (excluding different variations of the same Map) and minus the BR-locked ones you should always have a pool of like ~40 Maps available but definitely doesn’t feel like it. Im almost at 3.000 total Matches played and feels like ~2.500 of those played on the same 6, 7 maybe 8 Maps.
I took a look at your map list…apparently you haven’t been playing a lot…but from the 12 games listed you have 11 different maps…
I would guess there is a perspective issue and you remember MORE the 7 or 8 maps you like/dislike.
THAT SAID…the game will favor some maps depending on game mode and BR range…so you can have a few maps appear more…but if you look at 100 game or so, i am confidant you will find most of the AVAILABLE (to your mode/BR) maps.
BTW…sometimes, some maps will appear much more…particularly visible when a maps is new or was modified…and also happens by “accident/bug” on new updates…which i believe was the actual reason for this topic…
Yes im taking a break since Object 292 Event…got quite repetitive and burned out during that.
To much Flanders anyway, gimme city maps (not seversk)
Flanders is the very definition of mid.
Yea if its not multiple Severk 13’s its multiple Flanders…
Didn’t get the new Holland Map once so far