SABCA S.47: The Belgo-Italian Stallion

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Welcome to another suggestion for a Belgian aircraft, this time we’ll be looking at the SABCA S.47

The SABCA S.47 is the result of a cooperation between Belgian aircraft manufacturer SABCA and Italian aviation giant Caproni. In the late 1930s, Belgium was looking to replace its rapidly aging Fairey Fox biplanes. One of the designs acquired to replace these aircraft was the Fairey Battle, an aircraft which was good at the time of design, but which was also already seeing its relevance fade in the rapid developments of the time. While the Battles were only acquired in 1937, the Belgian air force was already looking for an alternative vehicle to further reinforce its ranks. As such, in 1938, an agreement was struck between SABCA and Caproni to develop a competitor to the Fairey Battle. Based on the requirements from the Belgians, Caproni chief engineer Cesare Pallavicino went to work to design the new aircraft. The result would be a cantilever low-wing design which could accommodate a crew of 2. Visually the aircraft was quite similar to the Fairey battle, but in practice the aircraft had quite a lot better flight performance than the former.
The vehicle first took to the skies in Italy at the hands of test pilot Ettore Wengi, after these first successful tests, the plane was disassembled and sent to Belgium where it was first displayed at Brussel’s Salon International. After the salon, flight tests continued and results were very promising. So much that the Belgian government took an option for 24 aircraft, SABCA also acquired the license to produce the aircraft locally.
The aircraft was flown to France in March of 1940 to be presented to a French delegation as well. Due to bad weather, the aircraft suffered some damage and required repairs, unfortunate timing, as the single aircraft would remain stuck here due to the outbreak of world war 2. No production vehicles had been produced by this time, and in the short time-span since SABCA acquired the license, not much could possibly have been done to change the outcome of the war here. The aircraft would be captured by the Germans, who did little to nothing with it, Caproni would later ask for it to be returned to them, but that request was turned down, as it was not supported by the Italian government (who didn’t really care for this type). After this records are missing, with the plane disappearing somewhere in 1942-43.

The S.47 was powered by a French Hispano-Suiza HS 12Y engine, which could provide 860 hp. Enough to propel the 3350 kg aircraft to a rather impressive top speed of 501 km/h. Flight performance descriptions had nothing bad to say, so we can only assumed it performed rather admirably. Armament wise, the vehicle was quite aligned with French vehicles of the same era. The French engine allowed for a 20mm HS.404 cannon to be mounted in the propeller hub. Another 2 7.7mm machine guns were mounted in the wings. The second crew member also served as a rear gunner and was equipped with another 7.7mm machine gun. As a competitor for the Fairey Battle, the vehicle obviously was supposed to be used in an attacker role, and as such, it could also carry some suspended armament. These weapons were nothing to be proud of, but are definitely better than nothing. A small bomb bay could hold 2 50 kg bombs, and up to 10 10 kg bombs could supposedly be carried externally.

General characteristics:

  • Crew: 2
  • Length: 10.61 m
  • Width: 13.20 m
  • Height: 3.20 m
  • Empty weight: 2250 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 3350 kg
  • Powerplant: 1x Hispano-Suiza 12Y (860 hp)
  • Top speed: 501 km/h
  • Rate of climb: 6000m in 15 mins 20 s


  • Fixed armament:
    • 1x 20mm Hispano-Suiza HS.404 autocannon
    • 2x 7.7mm FN-browning machine guns
  • Defensive armament:
    • 1x 7.7mm FN-Browning machine gun
  • Suspended armament:
    • 2x 50 kg bombs
    • up to 10x 10kg bombs

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The SABCA S.47 is another unique relic of pre-ww2 Belgian aviation History. If the war had started a bit later, maybe this aircraft would have been produced in some numbers and saw actions. For now it just remained a promising prospect. War Thunder offers a possibility for this aircraft to redeem itself though. It had good flight characteristics and some light bomb options which would make it a capable aircraft in both air and ground battles. The vehicle also just offers some interesting qualities with which to expand the rather barebones BeNeLux air subtree. The vehicle was also know as the Caproni Ca.335 and could be added to the Italian tree as well to make it a more worthwhile addition for Gaijin. I’m sure that Belgian aviation enthusiasts would be very keen to see this vehicle in-game.



So 2 vehicles more. Not bad +1.




+1 from the bottom of my heart!

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