SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

It’s not using the SMT radar just the 9.13 mig29 radar

ah apologies wasnt too sure so i presumed it was the SMT’s Radar

makes sense as the early su27 can’t use r77 but it should have its own if it did have its own irl

Is the top speed at sea level correct? With 4 missiles and and less than 15 mins of fuel i couldnt go past 1400km/h

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I can go past that at SL with 6xMissiles, the BOL pods + a fuel tank with 20min of fuel internally.

What map were you on? For me it seems to top out around 1430ish with my setup, although that takes a while.

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speaking of which I believe the main focus right now, sense the flight model seems mostly done, should be getting the Gripen its own radar

Here is an excerpt on Jane’s avionics on the radar, jane’s isnt an acceptable source for reporting but I am posting it anyways to give an idea of missing capabilities.



Yeah as it shouldn’t ping as a f16 on rwr

@CorporalApollo do you know what the loadout and fuel for the Gripen was in the stated 0.5 to 1.1 acceleration time. I feel like there is potentially still abit to much drag

Ill check again

The rafale has a slightly smaller frontal radar cross section I think.

Not yet, but if it has the F16s radar as placeholder, then that is to be expected.

And possibly FA2. That is just based upon this:

The PS-05/A is a pulse-doppler radar currently used by the JAS 39 Gripen fighter aircraft (JAS 39A, B, C and D variants). It weighs 156 kg and was developed by Ericsson in collaboration with GEC-Marconi, sharing some technology with the latter’s Blue Vixen radar for the Sea Harrier (which inspired the Eurofighter’s CAPTOR radar).

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I actually saw the opposite haha but I suppose it all depends. Either way its objectively false to say the Rafale has RCS reduction but the EF doesn’t, but i’ll give that the benefit of the doubt.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s much, it’s to do with the curvier nature of the rafale, it helps a little. (I think) But for the most part, they are the same. I think it depends on a lot factors. (I could also be recalling the wrong info)

In my opinion (although I’m not sure if this is a bug, rather just an error), the main drawback of the cockpit (besides the lack of a correct indication of the Cobra HMD) is the incorrect size of the radar on the MFD.



In this screenshot, in a graphic editor (what a big name for a regular paint, huh?) I cut out a virtual radar that shows the entire available range from 0 km to 37 km and tried to match it in size with the MFD as much as possible. As reference points, I used the indication of launch zones and contacts both on the MFD and on the virtual radar. I think it came out pretty close. I marked the boundaries of the MFD with horizontal yellow lines; beyond them, what the virtual radar shows does not show the MFD. According to my quick calculations, the MFD does not display the “far” ~2.5% of the radar (in the “37km” mode this is ~900m) and the “near” 8.3% of the radar (in the “37km” mode this is ~3080m). In total, ~10% of the radar is not displayed by the MFD.
This “a little” (A LOT) complicates life if you want to play without an interface, with maximum immersion.
I’ll probably report this bug. Technically, this bug can be fixed by simply reducing the MFD image by 10%. Maybe 11%. To be sure.

For new FM… Well… It seems now Gripen CAN go to sustained turn with approx 20 deg/s and unsustain (with start turn approx 400-450kn) approx 30 deg/s

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i think i understand the top one. it says 2 pcs because there’s 2 of them on the aircraft. one on the left, one on the right. there’s 1 bol dispenser per wing pylon so 4 in total is correct.

Yes, i posted that to the morvran BOL on the wingtip, as bol was not carried there afaik

Yeah youre right, i checked on test flight map and i could go a little bit over 1430 with 6 missile and drop tank

I’d love to discuss this in DM’s or on discord. Send me a DM won’t you?

One source stated 40 seconds 0.5 to 1.1 mach with air to air loadout, presumably a full one. Currently doing 35 seconds 0.5 to 1.1 mach on full fuel, so I would recommend just leaving it where it’s at. It matches several other datapoints including the supercruise ones so pleading to adjust it further could result in a nerf. The high alt acceleration is better as well for when y’all get the AMRAAM.

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Of course but i’m not informed on these sorts of things its purely my own curiosity and limit knowledge of RCS reduction.

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