SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Interesting, Thank you, shall keep that in mind short term

On a very quick side note to the radar issues and this might just be me. But is the SEAM a bit… crap on the Gripen C. In the Tornado F3 and even the Tornado Gr1, I can lock onto a target and get good tone at quite a distance without much issue. But in the Gripen C, even with a full lock and not just TWS, the Aim-9M seeker seems… Reluctant, at times to lock onto anything until the target is much closer than I would expect. It might be that im mainly playing Tunisia (Hot map) to grind the event easier, but I dont recall having this issue in either Tornado on that map.

Again, this might just be me or some other changes that Ive not really experienced in the past few months, but anyone else finding SEAM a bit… Dodgy?

P.S for the love of god, we need a new HMD reticle thingy. Its so massive in SB that you cant actually see the target. It blocks your view.


Thrust changes are live, gonna call it a net buff.

0.5 to 1.1 mach
min fuel - 28 seconds
50% fuel - 32 seconds
100% fuel - 35 seconds

Regarding the low speed performance it seems it’s pretty nutty again lol

In short; You can actually turn cuz it bleeds speed when you’re going mach 0.8+ now, turn radius is not a country mile. Once you do lose your speed and get below 0.8 mach and become maneuverable… you keep your speed and maneuverability better because thrust is higher in that region for the most part or drag is simply less than before. Sustained turn rates are roughly the same, but the bleed rate is less. Instant turn rate seems to be a bit better as well.


Imo it feels less responsive now when it comes to turning and such

Glad to see it turn better at lower speed again, hopefully this makes minimum fuel dogfights hilarious again.

So we’re back to the UFO FM ?? :/

They reduced the onset of maximum G forces to help people avoid ripping the wings I think, and helps to reduce G-force onset happening as quickly.

Well, it is smoking everything at the moment. The static thrust is too high. Can’t do anything to change this until RM12 thrust charts start appearing on the internet, though.

Slightly better at stall speeds isn’t back to the UFO FM, but it is definitely improved at speeds that matter and reduced at the top end where it was overperforming. It’s not quite a UFO, the F-16 is a UFO since it defies physics…

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where is the AIM-9 LaGS by the way?

How much do you think the Thrust at static is too high?

I remember someone saying that they only have it a 2-3% channel loss which seems rather odd, I guess the Thrust is too high by about 6-10%?

Between 8-15% channel loss seems to be roughly were most planes end up. The Ja37 according to the data sheet on the old forum has a range between 5-10% channel loss, I guess they just gave the Gripen an even better one for some reason.

I just did some braking tests and it seems to be half the distance of what it was before.
Also is it just me or is it more responsive <800ias

Responsiveness feels worse to me, more sluggish feeling

Yes it became.a bit more responsive in quick direction changes in my opinion as well. It just doesn’t immediately pull extremely high Gs.

It now takes a second or two at most to ramp up the Gs.

Good morning! I’ve got to try it out myself, hope it’s not as sluggish as some people are saying here. Was the maximum amount of G’s you can pull reduced, or just the time to get to that maximum G?

Anyways, thank you for putting all that time in fixing the Gripens flight model, even if It was nerfs. It was pretty ludicrous on launch and didn’t fly like it should.

I will reach out to you if I get some nice information with those books, I have you on discord

Just the time to get to max G was reduced, not the max G itself.

was the drag reduced this patch?

Yes, by about 16% iirc overall


yeah its super cruising at 9 minutes with no weapons


Just realized on my last match and after that i tested turns out it can do supercruise at sea level with clean wings if you’re on 9-8 mins of fuel.

no use in a game though unless you really want no missiles

True but then again this is caused by drag ratio, if its inaccurate it should be fixed.