SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

@MiG_23M i read through all of the changelog and i’m impressed, nice work

The box in-game doesn’t coincide with the real storage area.

I didn’t do anything (I’m also responsible for the F-111 changes)… awaiting a third doxxing and some more death threats for that one tbh.

Y’all can blast some Swedish music and grind Air RB in peace knowing the Gripen FM model won’t get very many more changes until at least February.


Gripen countermeasure size fix soon hopefully. ;)

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Finally! Happy to enjoy it knowing at least some effort was put into the FM. Hopefully performance isn’t completely tanked but we’ll see in R2 chart.

Just wish the instability / higher AOA thing would pass it’s like we don’t get the full benefits of the delta wing :/. Despite Mirage2000 being vastly worse than F16 I really enjoyed flying it against F16’s in sim due to the fun flight model with the instability.

I expected Gripen to be a mix between the 2, like 70% FM of the F16, 30% M2K

“We Hope”

Im still not entirely convinced they arent going to find some Russian source to say that the Gripen can only pull half what it can currently and nerf it through the floor. Looks at Manpads

I’ve skimmed most of the internet I feel like for these sources, including tons of Swedish ones, aside from the two 172 and 190+ page books on the way about the Gripen that I’ve ordered I think we’ve found all of what is publicly available

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Yep, though I wouldnt put it past them using Mig-21 data as a “delta wing” to nerf the Gripen

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even if i don’t like the changes due to my bias this should never happen

Regarding cannon magazine capacity, I googled around for quite a long time trying to find 39A/C capacity but didn’t find anything. I did find this unsourced but interesting claim

De förbrukade länkarna samlas i ett separat länkmagasin för återanvändning medan tomhylsorna kastas ut, Gripen E har en uppdaterad version med uppsamling av tomhylsor.

27 mm Mauser BK – Wikipedia

If this is true, it’s quite possible that the capacity is larger than the 120 rds we currently have (following 39E).

We have also yet to see how it’s sustained is after this change, could be small change, could be buff at small speeds / nerf at high or nerf at all speeds… Hard to tell now

Should be roughly the same.

Yep, though for me, its the radar that needs the biggest amount of work, Im having a terrible time with it recently, Making the Gripen a very unfun aircraft to fly in SB because you cant trust the radar and I spend more time fighting with the radar than flying it.

I was surprised by the 120 round capacity. I was expecting more, at least 180.

According to this source (the one used for the report)… the JAS 39E has 120 rounds ammo.

Yeah I also read on a Swedish source somewhere that it was same 120 capacity as A/C I believe

Yeah, it’s really ruining it for my friend in SB. It’s nearly unplayable for him, He’s having trouble finding software to record his gameplay, so if you could get some to show the issue or create a bug report about it, it would be greatly appreciated. (He’s playing on laptop with xbox account)

Yeah, Im gunna start making a bigger effort to get clips together. I have:

already in with clips showing some of the issues, but a match I did today it was somehow getting worse

(OBS is what I use normally, though I do need to get AMD ReLive working again)


Yes, I know. That’s what I meant in the last sentence.

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technically it should be even better at low-speed ratefights below 500-600 km/h but has to be tested

It’s bugging only on virtual display. MFD has clear vision
