SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Sure but then it won’t be 35 seconds and no be the middle anymore.

Logic dictates that if the thrust is lowered and the drag stays the same, the acceleration and especially the top speed will be reduced by quite a bit.

If thrust 0.5 - 0.8 is more but 0.8 to 1.1 is less it should be very similar, we are informed the devs are aware and will make changes if needed.

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Looks real to me, but it is probably due to me having a small and old type screen, so it looks real

Not sure if this is the Saab Gripen Simulator, but it appears that the HUD is tinted against the white background

I want that

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My guess is it’s probably very dependant on temperature. Gripen pilots have said that they enjoyed flying out on real cold mornings as that’s when their engines performed really well and had “Lots of thrust”

I also found that site stating mach 0.5-1.15 in 30 seconds

Thank you for this <3, I have used both this and the G-Force video as evidence alongside images cited from a source who claims their source is SAAB and I have made a report.

Hopefully it goes through and we will get our Sunglasses-esque tint sometime soon

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Take my +1

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We know the engine is temperature limited, and we have charts for other fighters that show significant increase in top speed (namely the F/A-18) depending on temperature.

@Metrallaroja One for the books, if you’ve got time could you please forward this.

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Is that modelled in game? I’ve noticed engines overheating quicker on maps like Vietnam - but is thrust also different?

I dont think it is.

Looks like a polarized glass, from some angles/light sources, you’ll see it, from others, it looks like normal glass

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What I am a bit more worried about is the top speed.

Acceleration would stay the same over the whole envelope if you are correct but top speed would take a significant hit, to a point where it should quite drastically underperform.

If at Mach 1.2 we already have an excess of 35% engine power yet “only” hit Mach 1.2 at SL then the drag values will surely mean that if unchanged the top speed will drop off quite a bit.

But you are correct, no point in discussing this until we see what the Devs did. Maybe they will change it accordingly and I am making a fuss about nothing.

Thrust coefficients are changed based on altitude and speed not just speed. Drag should also be adjusted to maintain the current top speeds.

It goes Mach 1.26 right now

At SL? How long does it take to reach that speed and do we even have a source how fast it should be going? Didn’t really actually check myself how fast it’s even supposed to go :)

yes at SL, not much time it prob can go even faster than 1.26
The sources I saw say 1.2 Mach

well retesting it tops at around 1540kph ~1.25 Mach