SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Well, i also think it should be a quick and easy fix, but you know how things can be here sometimes…

There is a long list of priorities. Hundreds of bugs are submitted to the reporting site daily, and above all that they are focused on other things. As I said earlier… they are also on vacation. You’ll have to wait some time and that is okay, but it won’t come sooner if the bug report is not made.

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Also shouldn’t the SAAF one cockpit be in English

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This, right?


We do not have Gripen C cockpit in game


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That will take them a year to fix

You are not stating any facts though.

You are constantly barraging him with things that haven’t even happened yet.

The Devs didn’t neer or change anything yet…

You pretend that you know that they won’t adjust the drag and go off of that. That’s ignorance at best and just flat out being arrogant at worse.

Dude can you chill they said only 2 days ago that those thrust changes were going through literally on Christmas Day iirc I’m honestly surprised they were even active during this holiday weekend

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Yea cause its not like this the first time they did something like right?

Stop acting so naive next time.

I’ll do my best

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Now that is troubling to hear…

If the plane matches the acceleration charts but produces 35% too much thrust, how is it going to still match it after it gets fixed?

There is absolutely 100% the need for the drag to get adjusted.

I can’t see any mathematically or logical way that would make sense…

but well, the c cockpit
does not seem tinted

So, is someone gonan report we have wrong cockpit, or it was already done or nah?

The time to accelerate was potentially a bit too low already, not to mention that the static thrust below 0.8 mach is actually increasing quite a bit. Only the peak thrust is less.

It’s not about being naive.

You are already discussing something that happens in the future and we don’t know what exactly. Yet you assume something and list it as “facts” and then when you get called out, you call them naive?..

I thought the acceleration took 35 seconds instead of 30 seconds in the 0.5 - 1.1 range.

If that was the case I don’t think the thrust increase below 0.5 is going to make up for a 35% too high drag at higher speeds…

Since the acceleration would then have been around 15% too slow already.

It is tinted, see the video;

That is one source, another says 40 seconds for 0.5 to 1.1 mach. That is why it was adjusted to 35s.

Oh ok, ten i guess that photo makes it look not tinted for some reason

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It’s not a real photo.

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Strange, it seems apparent on this one, could be something to do with saturation, as in this photo you can only really make out the tint when comparing the runway inside the glass view and out