SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

No, you didn’t. I’ve now stated it twice today alone that the drag changes will coincide with the thrust changes. Please quit creating a problem when there is none.

What did they do? They only adjusted the Gripen according to the known data presented in my reports.

I don’t think there is anything to be mad about.

F-15s APG-63


So you started to reading other people’s mind now? Cool.

Except they didnt adjust the drag values while nerfing engine thrust.


You said you predicted the devs decisions… I did not.

They haven’t actioned my report yet at all.

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Key word of the day being “Will be”

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This is not live. It will come along with drag changes, I don’t understand what is so hard to understand.

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personally ive not seen any mention of drag changes from official channels (ie gaijin affiliated staff members like tech mods) yet but i might have just missed it and if so shrug

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As Metrallaroja said…

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Because it was too obvious that they were going to nerf engine thrust before adjusting drag values even 5 years old kid could see that coming (apperantly you didnt).

Wow what a surprise right? When it comes to nerfing a vehicle they act immediately but for some reason they dont do the same thing when it comes to buffing.

How shocking…

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That’s enough of that. No need for this kind of commentary at all.

That’s odd, my report happens to be a nerf… I’m not sure you’re even aware of what you’re talking about at this point or if you’re just trying to hurl personal affliction my way. Let’s just end the discussion here until there is something to discuss regarding the report.


Now you’re the one who’s putting words into other people’s mouth.

İf they adjusted the drag values alongside with decreasing engine thrust it wouldnt be a nerf but you’re purposely ignoring this part.

Truth hurts i suppose?

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This appears to be more personal to you than anything else. I didn’t put any words in your mouth, nor am I here to argue with someone who isn’t aware of the extent to which the changes will affect the FM. Please wait for the changes to come over to live and we can discuss them then.


İ have no personal issues with you im just stating the facts right now.

Sure for how long? Because snail loves to act very slow when it comes adjusting those type of values.

As i said before my reaction is towards to devs action , it has nothing to do with your report.

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They are on vacation at the moment you may have to wait until February. If it is not out later this week that will be the earliest I presume. Normally these FM changes are implemented within two weeks of the developers decision on the report.

Then behave yourself. There is no reason to include personal attacks, insults, malice towards the devs in your discussion of the FM on the forum. None at all.

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None of those sentences had any insults but didnt realized you got offended because of them.

Anyway lets see when will they implement those changes.

We dont even know yet if a drag reduction is needed, just wait

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Now that the fighting is (mostly) over and me wanting to change the subject, I’d like to also note the Gripen’s heads up display not being tinted, a small issue which makes my time pretending to be a real pilot difficult when staring directly at the sun in the cockpit view.

Example of the HUD now

Example of what we should receive in future when there is time enough to fix

Example of the HUD In real life


Welp, have fun bug reporting it ;)

Shouldn’t be an issue, they changed the cockpit lighting of the Mirage 2000 simply because it was reported.