SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Your just ignoring his question

yes but i asked about the formula itself, i mean, the formula wich takes in the “T/W * CL/CD” it’s for sustained load factor, not turn rate.

In the first year of technical studies using the scientific method, you will learn that the burden of proof lies with the person who formulated the hypothesis.

You came in here making the case that the Gripen should be worse than F16’s though? I’m not saying your wrong but you have like 10+ times avoided questions and people asking you to clarify

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Better load factor = better turn rate at given speed…
It’s obvious that if you turn 400KTS at 6g you will have better radius and Deg/s than 400KTS 5g. You can find maths in internet.

(I don’t have time now to duble check formulas and I don’t wanna make mistake)

You see what you want to see. I’m stated meany times that in MY opinion in assumption that gen4 aircraft have even areodynamics performance. T/W ratio is essential in terms of 4gen turn performance. And Grippen have just worse T/W than F-16A where we have IRL data. It’s simple logic

Now can you answer this?

Just read topic for f sake

maximum sustained load factor =/ load factor at maximum sustained turn rate. those formulas are for the maximum sustainable load factor, not the load factor for maximum sustained turn rate. Those 2 things are not necessairly correlated (f.e. F-5 has a maximum sustained load factor of 6,5g and a maximum sustained turn rate at 5g of load factor at 5000feet with max AB at mach 0.6)

Ok, I’ll make it even more specific for you.

Lol 😂 just edit in paint where is sustained g on this graph… Srsly please

I give you formula. Just do math by your self

are you serious? you think that the max str is at the max sustainable load factor?

I can’t tell if this guy is trolling lol… SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion - #1682 by CorporalApollo

he is not, he thinks he is an engineer and cannot even discrete max load factor and load factor for sustained turn rate

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Just to be clear I need you to show me what is your point. Edit in paint and show me what you think is sustain g

Btw. If you know better why you ask just answer question…

the issue is that the formula you are sending are random and do not answer the questions people are asking you. nor yours or metrallaroja’s formulas. you are asnwering to topics with non-pertinent answers, is honestly disheartening if you are a graduated engineer

Idk man, either trolling or extremely immature being ‘engineer’ age

You just can’t use paint don’t you??

Lest be clear I don’t care what you think about me. Let’s focus about subject

Asking questions about correlation between max sustain turn rate and max sustain g. Can ask person who don’t know how g works…

I’m answer that you can find maths formula in internet and putting some numbers and calculate you can see some correlations and explainations

Is just saying that max load factor is achieved when CL/CD is max if thrust and weight remain the same throught the speed range.
6.43 is the general sustained load factor that you will use in turn radius and rate formulas.