SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I’m not claiming that the Gripen is inferior to the F-16. Considering various exercises in which both aircraft participated, it might even be better, but certainly not by the margin of performance we have in the game

We have almost all data for F-16…

Ok let’s give me officially data for Grippen then. Just check security closure before l
Post it

i didn’t claim something about gripen superiority or inferiority to the F-16, but your statements about gripen impossible to do 20°/s because you believe so

F-16 with full load do like 16 at low alt. Almost empty it’s around 18…
So with my experience, yes I’m not believe in 20deg/s. By it’s given (second source) T/W and W/L(wing load)

Not sure what you mean by “Certainly not that margin”.

The Gripen has a lower wing loading than the F-16C while having lower thrust. The F-16A ingame outrates the Gripen starting at around 275 knots. The C model starts doing the same at 350ish knots.

The Gripen only wins the rate fight below 250 knots. The F-16C has to pull quite extreme manuevers to even drop below 250 knots with the amount of thrust it has.

We are discussing the maximum sustained turn. It occurs when utilizing maximum thrust and the maximum lift available to the aircraft.

F-16A blk15 do 19°/s at 5000ft with 50% fuel and 2 aim9 at mach between 0.7 and 0.8 according to this graph

Oh i just speak about block 52… but ok. F-16A have even better T/W and W/L… So basically you prove my point

iirc block 30 has the best STR among all F16s

btw f-16 has higher wing load so it’s not better… technically (?)

Since Thrust can change at speed for a jet engine there is more than 1 sustained rate speed at different, speeds is there not?

Let’s agree, War Thunder is not a simulator. There are many simplifications and shortcuts in the flight models. One cannot refer to reality with 100% accuracy. However, we can expect that general assumptions will hold true, such as the A6M2 having a smaller turning radius than the P-51.

Similarly, I believe that in the game, the Gripen should resemble a somewhat inferior F-16A based on real-world data. I don’t expect the EM charts to be mirrored 100% in the game. Nevertheless, if the F-16A in the game doesn’t achieve 20 deg/s, the Gripen shouldn’t either.

do mind that 19°/s of the F-16A are at 5000ft, i highly believe that on Sea Level you can achieve 20°/s or more, so if the F-16A can do it, gripen can too according to your beliefs

It’s a little more complicated… Than extrapolation from one chart… that’s why it’s more EM charts than one for given weight and altitude.

To your previous post. In War thunder some what W/L have bigger impact in turn performance. In RL enginers still try Archievie more power from lighter airframes. It’s really depends from overall drag but like I’m post before Grippen areodynamics it’s gen4 product so it’s not like better than others gen4

Just a quick question. Where did you get the info that the F-16A does indeed rate better than the Gripen? Do you have any actual specifics on that?

From all the red flag exercises it seems to be pretty clear that the Gripen has the advantage over the F-16.

I mean F-16 data it’s available all over internet. So meybe you prove with data for Grippen is better instead?

Grippen at red flag have advantage over all aircraft because done like 100% given task. It’s a very good platform. But still other planes done like 90-98% all tasks. It’s truly all weather all multi task fighter jet

gripen Flight data is classified.

No source cited for what?

Because we don’t have a 100% value for Tornado’s AoA in degrees that is only a fleeting point. The main issue is the underperforming especially at low speeds.


question: reading this i noticed the formulas regard a max sustained load factor, but it isn’t for a max sustained turn rate if i’m not mistaken. i mean, rewatching the F-5 vs Mig21 STR comparison, they both achieve their max STR below their max load factor

It’s sustained turn rate because T=D. But when D(by increase AoA ) is higher than thrust you lose speed or altitude to increase turn performance, but it’s no more sustain performance(because your speed or altitude aka overal energy state will drop to 0 in terms to simplicity). And we have limitations like a aviable g limit for airframe or minimal speed limit where wings can’t generate enough lift force to sustained flight.

It’s meany good materials at YT how to read EM diagrams