SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

This why we get nerf can’t have su27 be worse then the gripen in any way

It is worse in-game, they aren’t making modeling decisions like that.

So the Su-27 has always been better in all respects.
It is not inferior in maneuver (and most likely even superior), it flies further, it has a more powerful radar and more weapons.
The Su-27 is still an icon of what a modern aircraft should look like for a reason.

Let me remind you that the Gripen still maintains speed in a maneuver too well for its aerodynamics.
Stop crying NATOboy, you’re already flying on overperfoming planes

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hate to burst your bubble, but European delta wings are highly capable aircraft that routinely outperform US and Soviet counterparts in most respects.

But hey, soviets wanted a BVR truck and you’ve got one.



All icons of what a modern aircraft should be


i hope we can get some cooler pictures as well


Always late to the show and copying the performance doesn’t make them counterparts … They were designed with the capabilities of these earlier made American and Soviet designs in mind. Of course they can do better.

Although this is the peak for Swedens tech tree unless they get an F/A-18. All future Gripen models are less capable in contrast to their opposition than what the Gripen is right now.

Forgets the Gripen E exists

And not really. Hunter and Gnat were vastly superior to US and Soviet aircraft in their time.

Tornado was by far the best interdictor/ground attacker of its era, and that was proven in Iraq.

Do I even need to mention the Harrier?

and that’s just Britain. Many examples exist of Europe designing vehicles that outperform the US and Soviets. Just that Europe doesnt spend all of its money on its armed forces and instead invests money into things like Education and Free health care. This means we produce vehicles at a slower rate than the US and Soviets, who well, dont invest into those things for its people.

But in game, of course the light weight delta wing aircraft can out turn a large heavy Su-27 probably hauling 10 missiles. That should be absolutely no surprise to anyone.


what are YOU on about now?

didnt expekt sukhoi [censored and redacted] to go that far

whats next? the su 57 is stealthier than the f-22?? xD

imma go grab some popcorn


you know it can go supersonic right
it being bought by most nations that can afford it

Maximum 90 seconds.
Then it overheats.
Not counting the technical limitations due to the stealth coating, which rusts in the sun and, in principle, does not like flying.
Why do we need a subsonic aircraft even without stealth capabilities?
By the way, its stealth is worse than the Su-57, live with it, lol.

there it is LMFAO

“peace time restrictions”

just gonna leave that term here ok?

kinda like the gripens G limits

least delusional Russian main


According to the people who made it the Su-57 has an RCS of 0.1 - 1 m^2, that is not at all impressive for a “Stealth” aircraft.

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there’s no point in arguing with mr sukhoi design bureau himself…

Didn’t the patent for it describe it as having a RCS similar to a typhoon

Patent says Su-57 is 0.1 - 1.0 m^2. Typhoon is 1.5 m^2, or less.

Yeah, the Typhoon isn’t a stealth aircraft, and is much smaller than a Su-57 lmao.

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I wish you guys white christmas and Europe


maybe some day in the future we can see the brazilian gripen in war thunder lol (or at least the brazilian camo, it looks cool imo)
F-39E (our gripen carries iris-t and meteors)

i fucking love this thing, is so beautiful