SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Patch came shortly prior to christmas iirc and before them, it had ER. I remember bullying everyone with it.
Btw, i was advocating for ER or nerfed 73 but not for ER on half of the planes at top tier cuz combination of 27R and R60M was simply bad. They overdid it like always.
Before missiles were hit with drag nerfs, Aim-7 was more competetive to ER and up to like 25km, if you launched sparrow 2-4 seconds before ER, you would win the joust. Now, it wont even reach, it will selfdestruct. It took them like 2-4 days to implement ER.

lol I do remember the Mig29 being crap FM at release (and F-16) but only one of them got a new missile.

Yeah but mig was still better, it could atleast pull at speed unlike F16ADF doing 7-8Gs with full AA load…

Yeah, I remember you are bring back my PTSD from that patch… I definitely remember getting murdered in the MLU like no other for some reason by Mig29s…

Best one I performed in was the Netz. Got a sick KD in it (Before python).


I only remember getting battered in the Tornado by pretty much every missile that wasn’t an AIM-9B

i think even a 9E nailed me.
And yes, I was flaring.

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You can also use the pitching moment coefficient curve from the FCS document, just like this bug report for the F16:

Although it didn’t show the Cm for a neutral canard position, it can be interpolated from the other curves that the aircraft is statically unstable and requires downward canard deflection at higher AOA.


@Metrallaroja this is good info

If you own a controller (ps/xbox) that is also really good for sim. I know a lot of PC players who really enjoy using the controller over m&keyboard. I have a controls setup guide for it too.

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i all ready have some stuff ordered but that very nice of you

this is an example of the LEFs on the gripen dumping hard at high AoA, you can see ingame that they hardly move which heavily affects its low speed performance, it should have crazy good low speed turning due to the fact it has front lift and rear lift surfaces with the leading edges to delay stall

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No, the low speed performance should be better because the nose should naturally want to pitch up. The forces counteracting this are the canard and elevons which push the nose back down. In doing so they camber, further enhancing the low speed performance instead of providing just trim drag as normal statically stable aircraft would.

It’s more thoroughly discussed in my bug report; Community Bug Reporting System

Yes, I do see it! You are absolutely correct.

Additionally, you see where the flaps end at the wing root and part of the wing that tapers to the fuselage. That acts as a leading-edge root extension a big portion of the wing itself acts as a leading-edge extension.

Lastly, there is aircraft clearly has an integral aerodynamic design and highly blended wing fuselage. (Greater than the F-16.)

its front fuselage was flattened intentionally do provide additional lift in high angles of attack.

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We also can’t forget the leading-edge dog too extensions there too energize the boundary layer in high angles of attack delaying the stall EVEN further.

I am trying to get the droop flaps to drop but they do not like you said to the same degree as the pic at any airspeed.

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if you want you can also use these just so they fix the LEF performance, irl they dump wayyy harder than they do ingame especially low and it impedes slow speed performance

(ingame then real life)

The visual representation doesn’t equate to what is going on with the flight model. As I said, the Gripen FM needs quite a rework as it sits already. Fixing one very minor issue (an animation related one) isn’t going to solve the actual issue (lack of negative static stability margin modeling and canard usage).

The reports needed to fix the plane’s actual FM are in, I’ve also reported the inaccurate animations. They’re all pending.

i meant effects as in it ruins the low speed, if the LEFs dumped more it would improve low speed turning by a bunch, along with the other reasons fox pfp guy (no offence) listed

ah okay i see now thanks, would you know any way to see if it’s just animation or flight model about the flaps?

the barely crack. lol.

Just a note because @MiG_23M does not have a clue what drop flaps do. They allow more airflow over the wings in high angles of attack.

They do not energize it like vortex generators such as strakes, dog tooth extension and the leading-edge root extensions.

The fact that they do not deploy means that airflow is blocked from passing over the wing the aircraft and less airflow to be stimulated by vortex generators like the dogtooth are starved. A shorter stall point as result.

You are correct beyond shadow of a doubt.


I’m assuming you mean Ziggy, I’ve got him blocked for some time now for trolling / derailing other threads and doxxing me, throwing insults all the time, etc.

The features you’re listing do help with low speed maneuvering… but they are already modeled accurately in the flight model. They just need to adjust the stability margin to improve the usefulness of the canard and reduce trim drag, etc. As I’ve said… the reports are already submitted so there isn’t anything further we can do until they are actioned. It’s all been reported to the best of our ability and is now entirely up to the developers.

(This was discussion of the in-game aircrafts issues, not off topic. Stop abusing flagging system).

he doxxed you