SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Bug report?


Also thats quite a fun bug report.

as is:

Aim-9Ms are probably underperforming by quite a bit and thats not even including IRCCM. Aim-9Ms we have now are probably more like what Aim-9Ls are like IRL (source)

How the hell is realistic IRCCM performance taken ONLY as suggestion? Is this a joke? INS and datalink is fine on ER but proper implementation of 9M IRCCM is too much??? Sounds like Sparrow story again just for aim-9m.

Omg good guns. @MysteriousHonza

Dude, another thing people hating on the Gripen do not understand is that the guns are actually way weaker than they should be. I lit up so many Mig29s, F-15s and Su27s and could not even set them on fire etc. Just crit after crit.

I am not tripping but people need to take into account the Gripen is offset by multiple weaknesses already.

It does not have the BVR capability (Dogfight sparrows) are effective in 4km & under only in a direct head on, weak guns and tiny weapon loadouts. You can see the Gripen coming from miles away do not chose to dogfight it lol. These players literally have the radar and capability to keep a Gripen from ever entering its threat bubble.

Leave the FM alone please and worry about your own plane. (which they are underperforming in some respects).

The Gripen is performing fine. A little fine tuning was needed and was done.


of course not, that would be unfair. Britain’s de-chirped Aim-9Ls and Ms were hard denied too, apparently doubling the lock range on our Aim-9s would be unfair (not actual range, only lock range)


Its like i wrote this xD… same experience, this is my luckiest game with guns so far. Out of like 80 or something. The gun is just RNG with low ammo count, high fire rate and unreliable ammo. More ofthen than not just crit, no fire or real damage. I take one 30mm and plane goes half. 20mm from vulcan, whole mid section black and speed loss is like having 4LGBs, full fuel tank and pulling at alt of 10km.

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The IRCCM if properly modeled could actually make it much easier to flare off the AIM-9M. Currently it can’t track flares at all and if push ahead is properly modeled it would be very vulnerable against shoulder fired CMs… Conveniently they didn’t model it properly and it benefits from it…

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Considering magic II, reported having seeker outranging missile itself in headon, sits at laughable ±3km, we wont see longer range until russia gets longer all aspect dogfight missile. ET is fine apparently. 9M not.

Well, on the other hand it jumps all over the place losing all energy or steering off into the sky so outcome is pretty much same. Considering absolute majority of people dont even go off AB when they see 9M, it would hammer them a lot.

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I think ahistorically weak irccm is totally fine for the game. Unless there is a major change in the RB gamemode everyone having completely unflareable missiles is going to suck.

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Yeah, makes me fear for the ASRAAM. Already seen Red Tops and SRAAM underperforming massively:

Red Tops:


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They’ll only work on the missiles that affect the most people. why im kinda glad Britain went with AMRAAM and not Skyflash Active. It means we may get bug fixes when we go ARH


Well, maybe it would wake another uprising of community to force gaijin to actually listen what we want at high ranked air rb… if i want to play call of duty, i will go play call of duty. Half of my games i can barely touch enemy how fast everyone dies due to too much going around. No human can keep SA of 16 people around and countless of missiles. Its so baaaad.

Bet you will say the Redtops are modelled correctly too.

and that’s why I only play SB these days. Though its a shame Gaijin barely acknowledges that that gamemode even exists

And mig29 got ER like few days after introduction…


A little longer that no? I don’t remember, but it was quick as hell!

im gonna start playing Sb once i get my HOTAS

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only time ive crashed so far is evading a SARH and not realising how the FM changes were gonna affect it.