SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion


Doxing? You have proof of that? Please do not falsely accuse users…

I am not blocked as he indirectly replies. Which is super cringe.

I will let you both discuss because this is about the GRIPEN.


how would you know if the LEF performance isn’t just animation and that it is accurate in the flight model?

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This isn’t the place to discuss such things but I can DM you about it if you’d like to know more.

You can check the performance in the datamine and extrapolate the data, it’s also extremely stable at high angles of attack in-game currently… more so than most other aircraft in the game. The issue is that people don’t really see the high alpha performance because the canard is becoming ineffective rather quickly due to the incorrect modeling of the negative static stability mentioned previously. Once that is fixed it should cut through corners like a hot knife through butter.

Bro just answer the question.

Show him exactly where in the datamine gave you the impression that the droop flap performance is realistic and its just an animation issue.

He presented you with a fair, simple and honest question.


yeah dude i’m not scrolling through about 2000 lines of code

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Not only that, but mig23m is like rainman, and his brain can process all the information in the datamine to construct the flight model in his mind. He compares this with YouTube footage stored in his brain to verify he is right.


It’s true, although just having some basic knowledge of what the lines correlate to can let you make comparisons to other FM’s. As an example, all values related to AoA (for the most part) are better than those for the MiG-29G.

And how exactly would you know whether or not the FM accurately accounts for the canards? Comparing it to footage you’ve seen of them taking off/landing on YouTube?

We will make the question clear enough for you to read.

What lines specifically would be different in the FM if the canards were/weren’t already accounted for?

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You ask me to not be hostile and then just give silly joke answers whenever you’re asked a serious question.

The videos are in my report and there are some shots of it maneuvering… not just taking off and landing.
All these questions gonna keep me up at night.

I’ll will make the question clear enough for your reading level.

What lines specifically would be different in the FM if the canards were/weren’t already accounted for?

The ones related to the canards

I asked for lines. You’ve failed to give a valid answer.

Must try harder

To be fair, asking you if all people to read lines of a FM file was a cruel task. We all knew from the get go what you really meant was “I don’t know”. You don’t always have to pretend you’re smart you know.

You’re not going to bait me into giving you information by telling me I don’t know it lol
I might have been more helpful if you were capable of a single good conversation without insulting someone’s character over their argument on a given week.

Yes that’s clearly what was happening


I’d like to see what kind of custom FM’s, missiles, etc you’ve been making in the CDK? Perhaps some bug reports that refute anything I’ve said in here where you decided to attack my character instead of the argument?

Cuz I’ve got a pretty solid track record of getting stuff fixed and you… you just insult people on the internet for seemingly no reason.

No sorry. Not going to be baited into revealing information to you.

Please don’t start trying to bring personal achievements into this. It won’t end well.

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So… attacking people’s character is all you’re gonna bring to the thread. Good to know.

In the meanwhile, I’ll be waiting for some further changes to the Gripen! Looking forward to what this baby will do once the instability is correctly modeledper my reports. You know, the ones that are so scrutinized.

Don’t worry, go ahead and have the last word. I know you’re not gonna reply with anything relevant to the thread.

How is that what you got from what I said?

You’re aware the moderators putting acknowledged, forward to devs on your bug reports doesn’t necessarily mean that report directly lead to a FM change, right? It’s nice that you take such pride in it though and get some fulfilment.