SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

You were already corrected about this… you read the MTOW as max fuel.

Yep, but I had the wrong base value for the Viggen because it’s overperforming.


If you feel it warrants a report

They suggest a 9G soft limit and a 12G hard limit, not even the MiG-29 gets to exceed the AoA limiter with SAS dampening… so why would they arbitrarily model that especially for the Gripen? Just switch SAS off.

They can abuse the trim mechanics to sustain >10G turns at high speed indefinitely with the flares auto deploying lol

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Trim doesnt work when in SAS modes. Only in Manual…

Yes, that’s why it is limited to 9-10G
Workaround to prevent abuse

What? Damping mode capped to 10G to prevent abuse of using trim. Even though Trim doesnt when in Damping mode?

Yes, prevents abuse

Yeah, so you can go, guestimate tons of nerfs based on old mirage 2000 or F16 comparison because its impossible for european jet to beat F16 or god forbid, something russian. OH WAIT, Rafale is dominating sales where flankers had pretty much monopol.

You’re the only one saying this

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Iam only reiterating how you act all the time in this thread.

How? Let me guess the right

In SB, you can use trim to maintain a turn even when G-locked?

but when in SAS mode, Trim doesnt work, you cant imput any Trim.

SAS mode is capped at 10G to prevent abuse.

So how can SAS mode be used to absue trim?

So because a soviet old design cant that means Gripen also shouldnt be able to do it?


If that’s your perception of what the sources say, perhaps they aren’t far off
My opinions are heavily based on available information and not personal feelings

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No…you were corrected

Please don’t take this in the wrong way, I mean it sincerely. I genuinely think you’re someone who would benefit from a professional psych evaluation. This is not the first time I’ve seen you just blanket deny being wrong, even if you have to contradict yourself to do so. You accused me of reading MTOW as max fuel when that is what you were doing. That’s textbook disassociation. Someone else even commented to verify I was correct and you were wrong. So if you’re genuinely still believing you’re in the right, I think you might be suffering from some form of mental illness/manic episode.

LOL, so we just nerfed the JAS39 because someone added a number to a graphic?
If anyone finds the same graphic with a proper scale to it, then yes, that would make sense, but a hand written change in Paint?

That’s some random standards that gets applied.

That’s not what I’m saying at all. I am telling you that the SAS mode applies normal flight control restrictions wherein you guys want to exceed these. That is already possible in normal non SAS modes… extending the amount of energy bleed to be able to do 12G’s in SAS dampening would ruin the point of the mode.

There are certainly optimizations they could make… like holding a button to remove the G limit aspect of the SAS mode but imo it’s a good compromise.

Y’all seem to have come to the consensus that it was an improvement, but yes.

Delusions of grandeur, and an overinflated sense of one’s self-worth are also textbook symptoms of a mania.

A “nerf” is a reduction in capabilities.

This is what happens in SB with G-Lock (and that’s in Damping mode)


@MiG_23M you only russian bias, you play only Soviet and some battles with other natiions…you just want russian machines to dominate

We need to send mig 23 guy to DCS and everything will be alright