Hey guys whats new about gripen? Itll get a nerf or what?
Look at the sustained turn for the other jets at same speed
Cause I know how the other aircraft perform.
F-16 & M2K are the 2nd place rate-kings, and that’s still higher than them.
What I mean, is that one line on the bug report might not be the only change.
It will come up in a datamine before the change goes live
Gaijin applies 1.05x to IRL airspeed limits, right? M2.1 is exactly expected then? Or is that just for wing rips?
Currently exceeds that, VNE will be mach 2 so 2.1 can be expected after it’s fixed… I didn’t test absolute VNE max currently.
By how much is it decreased? I suppose like 2-3°? Anyone knows if it applies only at that speed range or through whole envelope including low speed handling eventually?
Nobody knows anything.
This wont really change much unless they make it to be trash at low speed as noone really fights at these speeds in air rb when it comes to dogfights. Otherwise its full speed running around.
I’ll share the datamine results when they pop up
I’m still interested in knowing if you have a background in aviation or aerospace or similar.
You seem to be making quite forceful arguments from intuition rather than obvious sources or calculations, and knowing if you are an expert or not would help me evaluate those arguments.
(I’m referring to things like “this is absurd”, “no aircraft performs like this” etc)
I’ve been doxxed twice recently, I’d rather not discuss my personal life at all.
You wouldn’t need any qualifications to be assessing what I am assessing. This isn’t the hard stuff.
that a shame
People get too mad over a game
I think they’ve made it quite evident they do not.
Bold statement for someone who can’t even read the thrust to weight tables on the WT wiki correctly.
Honestly quite like this reply
It also is conveniently quite accurate
That’s fair. For what it’s worth, I read your posts as made in good faith, and don’t think you have some hidden agenda or anything. I think you argue in a constructive and factual way. I do not always agree with your conclusions, or see why they are manifestly true in the case where you just assert something.
I do think that WT has a million inaccuracies, and since one can’t attend to them all, one has to chose the harmful or obvious ones to go write bug reports about. Sweden and UK getting a competitive plane at top tier for once is not one of those things.
I also saw that last year you attempted to get Vikhr buffed. To spend your time doing that is just baffling to me, not because i dont think weapons should be realistic, but because in the situation where you can’t fix everything, choosing to try to make ka50 stronger is objectively detrimental to the game.
Does anybody knows if you can mount amraams on wingtip stations on gripen? I couldnt find charts with it there, neither photos. When fox3 patch comes, it will be indirect nerf to the gripen itself as long as you want to run aim120 if it cant be mounted on bol.
Aim-120 can be mounted on BOL. Second message in this topic
Lol got a link to this? I’d love to see what his argument was.