I get this but if I’m remembering correctly they are not consistent in choosing the capabilities of an ms version and sticking with it
That is because why choose a specific model when you can just add whatever you want for balance. Additionally IRL the SAAF is the only user to not have MS20 yet in game has GBU-39 function despite not having the upgrade irl to even use it.
Its a balancing factor but considering all nations with Gripens (minus 1) have alternatives it means its less likely gaijin bothers to add things they may change its balance. I mean we dont even have the first big difference like the 5th bomb pylon. Or PS0/5A MK.II radar. Ect ect each MS from 17 to 20 has incremental upgrades that build upon each other.
Yeah, we’ve gone over those a bit in the thread for the Swedish Gripen C. Still bothers me to bits how I got the answer from Smin that the specific version for the Rafale and Eurofighter were necessary to get their capabilites but it was not important for the Gripen.
I asked how that wasn’t the case for the Gripen and got no answer…
Gripen C seems likely to get a 20% nerf to sustained turn rate according to a bug report, this might also affect Gripen E/NG I suspect since Gaijin is likely to base performance of the Gripen E/NG from the Gripen C.
Gripen - Sustained Turn Rate too high // Gaijin.net // Issues
Wake up, See bug report, day ruined.
It seems like this guy is wants to nerf Gripen.
I see one bug report for the Gripen and none for the ravioli so I don’t see how you came to that conclusion
Like Gripen wasn’t got nerf enough already lol
Yeah, Lmao.
You genuinely can’t make this up, the second I decide to finally go and grind sweden for a JAS-39, and then a bug report nerfing it gets accepted in under an hour of being posted 🤦♂️
How can it be ensured there wasn’t some level of corruption in the MoD that altered the statistics so they can get some more money?
I may be coping but this bug report is really unnecessary
It would be nice to get some information from the devs or any community manager, perhaps Smin, to see if anything is being worked on or how the discussion goes nowadays.
Oh that is messed up. Like it hasn’t been nerfed enough already.
can you link the comment? would be nice to read their initial reaction and if i can comment on it to see if attention comes back up
It would be quite strange if they proceeded with that nerf without having more official documentation
Starts here.
My comment that I just talked about that got no answer.
Funny how I linked some pictures from this thread and now am linking that thread here 😂
Not really gaijin has nerfed vehicles without information before. Cough cough FW 190 hugh alt engine temp
Eh just another reason to avoid sweden air. Beyond garbage aircraft throughout the entire TT once this change goes through lol.
Also it would be literal clown balancing to use the C to base the Flight performance of the NG/E considering the size difference. Additionally the NG has a rear wing extension so even nore strange for them to do it. Realistically this is one British report so personally id hope gaijin doesn’t make the snooth brain decision to accept it withour other similar reports.
It’s understandable. The Gripen is a UFO, not as much as the Eurofighter is but still. If it’s preforming this well right now I can only imagine what would happen when the Gripen E shows up since it actually has above 1:1 T/W. Think of that like what would have happened if the F-111F showed up back when the Aardvark model was absolutely cracked… would have been a better dog fighter than the tomcats, and maybe best all around ingame if you could get enemies into ratefights lol.
Point being, just wait for the Gripen E I guess, the Gripen A/C have been clearly overpreforming for quite some time now, so it only makes sense for this change to finally occur.
What would you consider to be overperforming? I dont see it.