@Gunjob where would VHF end in game, on B or on A band?
Part of A band according to this picture
But isn’t this more likely part of radio equipment I would guess?
Yes, it’s just for radio communication.
Same here, im not even touching my F15J(M) just because im waiting for F2.
It should have been in the game already.
VHF is typically comms, I don’t think I’ve seen it used for tracking or guidance but is used on those giant search radars like the P-18.
From looking around I have a feeling the Gripen C lacks the C/D and K(/L) band receivers altogether, having only the standard E-J band coverage. It’s not impossible that it has all though but I just find it a bit unlikely. Just from looking at the Gripen E, which clearly has C-K/L band coverage as it has an antenna array under the nose (for C/D) and the WTU antennas are of the dual receiver type (covering E-J + K/L at the same time), this seems at least more typical. And afaik it uses the same RWR, but I could be wrong there.
But, the Gripen C has an extra RWR unit in the leading edge of the tail fin, not sure what it would cover. Would be a pretty atypical placement for a lowband receiver at least. In the end maybe it’s not too crazy to imagine anyway, afaik the F-16 and F-15 run around with E-J band coverage still as well, though they have a C/D antenna but with no DF ability and seemingly purely for missile warning.
That seems to be the EWCS forward antenna unit, it’s possible but I am not sure. It would be in a typical place for a lowband receiver. The in-game model lacks this detail however I think, but that means the in-game model is incorrect more likely. But it could also purely just be a transmitter.
Also the picture you sent with the low band antenna array with the EWS-39 I have also seen (similar) here tagged with “Gripen NG” (Gripen E), it might not be for the Gripen C but not sure.
I’m not familiar with this topic, but couldn’t the antenna be under the fuselage and hidden? In a Gripen C cutaway, there’s an antenna in the same area, item 9, “Lower Ultra High Frequency Antenna”. UHF covers the NATO C-band.
Nothing said about Kh-38 compatibility?
Not that i know of.
No, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the BOW low frequency antenna covers C-D band, not just C band. Secondly, the Brochure makes a clear distinction between what are RWR antennas, and what are other antennas. It doesn’t list any RWR antennas on the underside of the aircraft, just the wing tips.
why would the Kh-38 suddenly be compatible with the Grippen?
Some countries buy weapons from both Nato and RF. So maybe Saab offers Russian AGM compatibility for grippen because it is actively exported.
Doubtful, gaijin will very likely add the Brazilian Gripen E and potentially Thailands Gripen E when they come in, iirc they are to arrive in like the next 4 years or so. I think if you’re hoping sweden would get an exclusive top end gripen thats a lot of copium imo. Gaijin will probably just C&P it to every tree they can like they do with F16’s
What model is this? I believe the MS20 has a slightly different array
Is this the MS20 or MS19 brochure? Both were called the Packing iron, and eventually the MS20 brochure was changed to Foldout. Again MS20 brings in some additional EWS so it would be best to check which one you are using.
Dunno, the one you can just grab on the SAAB site
MS20 then if its the most recent as the older brochure lacks Meteor and such as they weren’t available to us.
Side note i need to check if the Gripen RWR was changed between MS20 and MS19 since they both have different radars.
Radars have nothing to do with RWR.
This document btw for this slide is exclusive to the MS20 model. I know they list all gripen C users earlier but only SAAF has not upgraded to the MS20 model so not really a solid source if we are using sensors only present on MS20 models when we have no full MS20 models in game.