SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

They even list A Darter on the same page. SAAF only.

I think many people here are making the mistake of seeing “C” and thinking the fact they are reading applies. The year of information publication matter A LOT when it comes to Gripen. they have several iterations and several upgrades made over the years, so a publication from say 2007 will say that the “C” has xyz radar and xyz RWR capability and the same publication from 2018 will have completely different information for both.

So when looking for information, please note the year of publication (and for clarity it would benefit everyone if that year is also posted along with the information).

For reference of how big changes can be in just a few years (brochure from SAAB about PS-05A radar, does not apply to any specific Gripen):
Screenshot 2024-06-07 100024


Was more so macking a point that the majority of systems have been replaced by the time we hit MS19 or MS20, radar was just a more simple example. Im not sure when the RWR’s were updated on the Gripens.

Its listed as any gripen MS19 and up can be modified to fire A darter after the info on launching it was mentioned. Additionally SAAB likes to show all armaments that can be mounted even if they were one of things. Helps make them have a bigger selection of options payload wise.

Again, if more people were aware of the MS stuff before this thread took off a lot of problems would be solved. So its gonna be a lot of back and fourth of people who have no idea what they are talking about trying to bug report on a vehicle we dont have.

Hopefully not.

Sort of, everything is still taken in as suggestions, as currently balance seem to be of more importance to the DEV’s than making the vehicles conform to a specific MS upgrade. And i personally agree, at least for now. In the future i would love to see some version of “early” and “late” JAS39C vehicles with specific MS upgrades.

I made a HUGE report on the radar upgrades about half a year ago, so they have some of the information for that at least. (Community Bug Reporting System)

The problem is Smin stated unless you can find official documents for SAAF stating their strange MS19’s are MS19’s as SAAB isnt a reliable source nor the plethora of info stating when they bought their Gripens and that they haven’t purchased any upgrades to the MS. That all gripens will be the same. Imo im fine with the SAAF gripen being an MS19, but i am against it becoming a MS20, if britain had no other air vehicles to get until EFT, im talking they didn’t have tornados, harriers or varks then yes i think MS20 for CAS would be fine. Regardless i have no interest in another F16AJ but with SAAF paint. Both Hungary and Sweden as of rn are the only nations who should get their MS20 upgrades when Meteor arrives. The SAAF gripen should get its MS19 upgrades but nothing past that.

Did sweden get their gripen A at the same time as the C? Did the US get the F15E or the F16’s one patch to themselves? No, again gaijin is in the business of making money and sweden air isnt popular. The last few years of their air premiums have been people crying about them and dissuading people from wanting to play, as they only have one somewhat useful vehicle VS you can go to 2 other different nations, which have more options to play with either. Identical or slightly worse vehicles.I’m just saying it’s pretty basic. Common sense at this point to assume the gripen E won’t be anything unique when it comes to sweden, Brazil, and Thailand.

Im against anyone aside from sweden getting the Gripen E considering how boring an unpopular sweden air is but im also not living in a fairy tale where gaijin isnt out here trying to make the most money.

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You dont need this to be aggressive buddy.

Im just saying my hope is way that only Sweden will recieve JAS39E.

I just got a screenshot of Gripen A cockpit. This is just sad

Looks fine to me ;)

Do we even have pictures of gripen As mfds with pages on them?

Managed to find these and not sure how accurate they are. Not to mention there is not much you could use to do radar symbology, let alone rwr. Is current A horrendous? Yes, is there source to make it better? Not sure.

Some random radar read, if anyone wants


Interesting conversations in this thread. I would like to adress the towed decoy that someone mentioned previously, the Swedish Gripens use/d towed decoys for both A and C if i remember correctly, is this too early to be implemented to the game? Also it’s difficult as per usual finding good sources but these two URL’s are quite nice to read.

(This was previously mentioned in the topic)
SAAB JAS 39 Gripen

(In the middle there are some nice information about the countermeassures)
Gripen C / D Multirole Fighter Aircraft | Thai Military and Asian Region

ecm in general people seem to think its too early, many planes ingame already could get some form of ecm if it were added though (mirage 2000 comes to my mind)

Excellent. Now the target information block works correctly. The distance to it, its speed and altitude are indicated.
Previously, the TGT value showed the engine temperature, but now I have no idea what it shows.


Aren’t the mfds supposed to have iff? It’s annoying, because you can’t use them in sim because you can’t tell who’s friendly.

AS can be seen here
It has ° next to it, so that can mean limited amount of things.
And in game it does show the target heading