SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Got a date for this document?

This is from a 2012 product sheet


It might be the bulge, but now I’m in the middle of checking if it is or not.
It does not have to look the same.

The description seems to be lacking. Why is it not mentioning K/L band?

It does?

In the EWCU. It does so in the tornado processors

If only this was bigger

This is just a concept. The Gripen doesn’t have a LWS for instance.

Or a towed radar decoy

That is not a concept, that is EWS 39. Modular design, and not everything from it was used.
For example BOL pods are part of it.

And by going on what Saab says the low band antennas are also not used.

That is why I’m looking around rn, to confirm or deny it.

And i know it is not 100% definitive, but the RWR detects SA-6
Its primary radar is C band.

AAAnd end of topic. Gripen C brochure


The SA-6 radar is IEEE C band (4-8 GHz), not NATO C band (0.5 - 1.0 GHZ)

Oh, good to know.

Im still gonna report the K/L band tho.

MFD cahnges: Target now moves in elevation
All i could find.


So what changed?

In the vertical box, it still doesn’t matter what altitude our plane is at.
M still shows our speed in Machs, not the target
And the one showing the target’s altitude hasn’t appeared
All targets look as if each of them has been selected for tracking
Friend or foe hasn’t appeared in the SNP
The visualizer for suspended weapons hasn’t appeared either.

I think it’s unlikely that they would show something at a demonstration that their aircraft is physically unable to detect.

Gripen C missing K and L band

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But tbh not sure if it is a part of rwr.