SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Do you know what the “cockpit MFD radar changes” in the last row are?

Nope, Live is 31

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AIM-120 can fit on AIM-9 rails, so it’s just the AIM-9 BOL pod, same reason you get 8 AIM-120s on F-15C

Yet still not addition of C and K Band, gosh…

C is back

Well K is still missing so its still not complete yet.


It will be fixed in the same update that the soviets get a new top tier SPAA.

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Funny thing is F4F ICE has K band detection and i can confirm it, yesterday i used my ICE on Ground Rb and i was able to detect Pantsir’s launch on me so i dont think that is the reason.

I believe they are just lazy.

Well thats nothing new.

Hopefully they fix this issue so we can properly fight against Pantsir’s in our Gripen’s, this is really important considering Spaa’s just recieved ammo box so that means Pantsir can basically spam 24 missile to entire sky, now imagine what would happen when enemy team decides to spawn 4 pantsir.

I dont even wanna think about it.

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Let alone the fact that the Gripen is really outclassed these days.

Its fine, but WAY more limited in terms of A2G payload compared to the F-16, F-15 or Su-34. And they can all run Fox-3s at the same time with their max A2G loadouts.

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Well for that you need Gripen E model and by the judge of it only Sweden will recieve it.

Britian has to wait for EFT in order to get ‘‘True’’ multirole Fighter.

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Yep, and I think we are primed for the EFT this decemeber. Not a lot else they can add that is even close to the F-15E

Maybe Japan as well via Thailand

Hopefully we also recieve Rafale at the same time.

Hell no, Japan can use F2 for that, sharing Gripen with Italy was already hard enough so i dont want to see Thailand Gripen E ending up in Japan tree.

Japan doesnt deserve it.

They don’t need a Gripen either, fixed AAM-4 and the inclusion of their indigenous AShMs with land attack capability are more than enough for their top tech before the attack of the Lightning II.

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Trust me, I’ve been making the case to Gaijin along with others but I have no idea why they are dragging their feet, especially if the EFT is close.

It should be the other way around. No C or D band but K band.

i too disagree with SAAB AB

Because Gripen doesn’t use the full system, only the German Tornado does.



This is what the low band antenna array looks like:


It’s not present on the Gripen: