SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Additional information;

basically all radars showing up as “PD” on Gripen

The RWR classes pretty much every fighter radar as F for fighter (or PD currently) rather than identifying the specific radar set and aircraft that it is attached to.

(E.g mig-29/su-27 show up as PD now rather than M29)


@Gunjob Do you want a wider report or smaller reports covering specific fighters?

According to the source, the library has 10,000 stored emission modes. I don’t see why that would be necessary if anything within a certain range is just considered “F” for fighter.


Will the 0.5GHz count as low band? As Gripen has a low band antenne. It is C band


I believe this is the current data-mined info, and then on dev server Mig-29/Su-27 just show up as PD. Perhaps two separate issues?

So some of these I don’t believe are gripen specific (Though as F-8s are one of few aircraft with decent-ish sarh’s at 10.7 it would be good to know).

Yes, C band to K band.

So upgrade to C will be confirmed. Hard do say about elevation, but wingtips sensor might suggest it did got ± 90 option

all threats show up as “PD” or “F” instead of specific threats.
and the JAS39C is stil using the AR830 instead of the new BOW-21

Here is a better picture of the system from Saab themselves;

@Gunjob @Necronomica The BOL pods are part of the EWS-39 upgrade. It cannot have BOL without BOW-21 upgrade to go with, and MAWS.

I think that specific image is the prototype version as it has MAW.

The one i sent is also SAAB

They seem to be a part of EWS 39

The in service JAS39C does not have a MAW system.

I have some appointments today and then tonight I will begin working on a report @Panther2995 @Gunjob @Necronomica

Allow me some time to compile information and test the in-game RWR limits.


EWS 39 is like other system like President-S or smth else. If the customer wants MAWS or low band antenna on his gripen, then he will have it.

Something the Gripen MAWS should do is determine if a radar or IR missile is launched and then deploy either flares or chaff as needed.


Celcius Tech makes the RWR and chaff / flare pods

RWR look-like that