SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

İ dont, missiles will always have a chance to fail so having gun will always be much better as i explained on my previous replies.

İ would like to have more Norway and Danish vehicles, especially F-16 :D

maybe later on when later gen IIR missiles are here we can see it

Idk sweden air doesnt really have anything crazy to grab. The viggen are mid(love em but poor flight performance and incorrect thrust hurts) and a single TT draken which is the same BR as the mirage 3E. Yeah we’d need more than finland to fix that area lol. I just want finish Gnat and Hawk. (Also for my bribish air pls)

İts not gonna matter Anyway cause its a personal preference.

Even if missiles gets hundred percent success ratio i wil always choose to have gun.

I believe they denied them

For now if i remember correctly, knowing Gaijin they will certainly end up in game.

i was talking about the Norwegian F16 as it has IRIS-T

GR7 was menacing as hell when it was at 11.0. I rarely had issues against any aircraft in my Viggen but the GR7 was incredibly hard to deal with when it had a good pilot in it.

A bit late honestly. Why would i grind through sweden rn outsode of just being a fan of the gripen when there are just better ones available for CAS currently. Tbf im a draken fan 1st tomcat 2nd Hawk 3rd. Yet where are my funny Dorritos gaijin?

My bad then.

Viggen in a uptier is painful if a f16 gets on your tail. Outside of using full control to have access to the pre nerf aoa its hard to get them off me.

Yeah, I miss those days. I also remember the days of Mig-21s and Mig-23s thinking you were easy pickings in SB right when it was added and just shreading them with the guns when they tried to fight you. I also remember aiming blind ontop of no tracers because the HUD was buggy as hell for the first month or so

Because Entrie Swedish Tech tree actually offers unique experience?

Personally i always loved Strv’s,Drakens,Viggens and Gripens, these are more then enough to grind that tech tree.

Although more variants will always be welcomed.

I learned the hardway in my viggen trying to turnfight a good gr.7 player. Beat me on the second turn and i was dead in the water speed wise. Feels like im flying a bus regardless of speed in pointer aim controls.

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Defyn quote much?

I know that they would never have run such a loadout in practice, but is it, at least in theory, possible to run 1 gun and 1 AMRAAM?

I just unlocked the Yak-141 yesterday, my first VTOL aircraft. Tons of fun. You can basically get nose on whenever you want, at the expense of being pretty much at a standstill… If enemy gets slow and close they’re dead.


why wouldn’t it

it not like you need both guns for them to work

I think so? (at least based upon being able to run 1x Gun pod on the Gr7)

Kinda down to Gaijin I think for that one.

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İts coming from the days when i started to learn about military aviation history and Vietnam War actually tho his words could have some effect as well.

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