SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Yeah, I like a good VIFF. Been mostly playing the FRS1 of late. I need to dust off the Gr7 but hating the new 11.7 BR. No radar kinda sucks at that BR.

issue is never used the guns funny enough

Eh, the AJS was a pointless addition imo. Gaijin denied the reports that the Aj37 could mount rb24J’s on the wing pylons giving you the ability to carry 2 RB75’s, countermeasure pod or two same for gunpod(use the same 2 rails) and then youd have two missiles for defense. AJS basically was used to extend the wing mounts to 6 and give 9L’s no other changes. Sorry but 11.3 was dumb and the vehicle was DOA, at 11.0 ill stick the literally anything else. The Aj37 is fine in air but not so much the ajs

Yeah… :D

but the gun pods them self’s were

To be honest it definitely deserved to be raised in BR. 4 9M’s and 4 BOL at 11.0 is absolutely insane, especially in sim. It would’ve still been the best 11.3 IMO, it fits well at 11.7 but it’s just not super meta anymore

Just had a thought on this that is kinda funny. The Typhoon is equipped with the same 27mm Mauser the Gripen is, but on the Typhoon (and maybe the Gripen) was notoriously unrelaible and jammed all the time. In its first ever operational/combat use, being used to gun strafe ground targets in-support of allied infantry. it Jammed after the first few rounds. (based upon accounts from the Book “Typhoon” by Mike Sutton)

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Also VTOL boi vs Gripen

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Yeah, I understand it. But hate it.

At 11.0 it filled a real hole in the British line up. Because in the 10.3-11.3 or 10.7-11.3 line ups, your only options are the 10.7 Phantoms or 11.3 Tornado Gr1. It was a good asset to call upon.

Its why giving it Aim-9Ms was one of the biggest mistakes Gaijin has ever made in my opinion.

nice shot

is so they can sell us a GR5 as a premium with 9Ls

haha, very nice. I love that tactic, I find players never know what to do

It’s pretty funny hovering over a capture completely still (invisible to radar), and sling R27ET’s at people lol

Yeah, thats probably true. That is definetly something id buy.

Remember it was kinda rushed changed.

First Typhoons didnt even recieved 27Mm Mauser and pilots were actually making jokes about it iirc.

Weapons failure is always possible especially if its rushed, but still better nothing in my book.

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to be entirely fair that was the fault of the MOD/Treasury cheaping out (again!!!) and saying “oh well we won’t need the gun” to which anyone with any sense pointed out that a gun could be used for A/G missions where proportionality was required and of course, the old example, air to air intercepts. They learnt this lesson (supposedly) with the Lightning F.3, where they realised having a gun was actually very useful

End result is no one invested in the gun and it conked out

Every single government minister responsible for cheaping out on defence should just resign on principle


Yeah, just kinda funny thats all

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Yeah… I still think retiring the Harrier IIs were a mistake. Should have kept a small fleet going and modernised them

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Man dont wake up my emotions about Tomcats like that.

İts late and i dont wanna feel depressed at this hour :D

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I mean (yes i refer to the holy Harrier Man, Tremors)

They retired a counter insurgency capability, when they literally went into an insurgency war, and were forced to make all their aircraft scurry across the Med from Akrotiri, tankers in tow, when we could’ve just had a flattop with 20 Harrier GR.9s on tossing Paveway IVs as required.

But hey, what do I know.