SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

what !? 6 of the best radar missiles currently in game and 4 thrust vectoring “free ticket out of dogfight” missiles !? surely this means i’m good in a dogfight and I MUST turnfight the one plane that will completely eviscerate me with its alpha…!
it’s like it’s not even the same playerbase anymore, years ago this would’ve literally been the same issue as american players insisting on turn fighting japanese planes and coming to the forum to complain they’re op, of course back then you would’ve been mocked endlessly for because who in their right mind would attempt to turnfight a turnfighter? But it seems like that just isn’t applying anymore, instead they search for fringe sources to force gaijin to
nerf planes they don’t like


Just hug the ground like now, nothing will change. If anything, ER will be even better if players climb.

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Exactly. This is why AMRAAM will be a gamechanger, countries other than the US and Russia will not be forced to sit on the deck and attempt to notch for 90% of the match in the past

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R73s are not working correctly in this patch. has autopilot issues and straight up cannot be used in low speed dogfights.

You do not even have a single top tier fighter with positive K/D, yet you are calling people chimps, and slinging insults like one, oh the irony,

Imagine having negative K/D in the F-16C, i guess knowing basic fighter maneuvers causes more dying?

It breaks my heart seeing someone who is a master at BFM not get enough kills to maintain a positive ratio :(

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i can’t deny that, i’m bad at BVR, but I don’t go to the forums to complain that their missiles are OP and search for ancient documents that MAY help me put forwards a bug report to nerf them.


i have 1 and i see his point don’t need to go looking at profiles to see kd


Yes the irony, because i suspect a decent amount of people would agree with him… 🤔

I find it ironic you need to stat shame (which is regarded of weird if you need to substantiate your argument) in order to “prove” your point.
I for one have a reasonble K/D on most things except the Tornado F.3, and Gripen, both of which i’m still spading, and he has a pretty good point…


I’d also like to put forward that despite having the most abhorrent and disgusting negative k:d with the A-4E early, a plane that by all accounts is absolutely and criminally bad, I still enjoy using it, and if I can enjoy a shitty plane, why can’t people like mig_23m that clearly only ever come to the forums to nerf planes that beat them just enjoy their excellent planes and play them to their strengths? it makes me delirious with anger at times, of course, no offense to you malekitth, your behavior in this thread has been great

im the one shaming?

direct quote from edward: it breaks my heart seeing all these BVR monsters being piloted by absolute chimpanzees who have completely forgotten all of the basic figher maneuvers

find another scaepgoat for yourself to pile up on

Sounds like someone can’t formulate an argument to me.
Defaulting to stats as a means to demean someone else’s argument honks of inadequacy, you must realise that

Just so you know. Maybe formulate an actual argument that justifies F-15s and Su-27s flinging themselves onto Gripen players and then inevitably getting their asses kicked when the Gripen player presses the flare key, uses terrain and then proceeds to one turn them…


I dont think its only R73. 9M launched at low speed with lead often flies to the moon. I had pretty ok hit rate with R73 at semi low speeds, even in high off bore but i dont like slow down with flanker due to ERs being heavy AF.

bad KD or not, hes right though. Absolute majority of people in WT have 0 idea of how radar, radar missiles or generally BVR engagements works let alone how to use radar to effectively scan area. Those who do, often comes from DCS to blow off some steam. I play a lot of DCS and its insane how much you can use in WT too, atleast it used to be like that with smaller matches and not so much cockroaching. Now, its just one huge furball.


You know what, i’ll throw my experience into the ring. Used to have no radar binds at all, so had to go through the Multifunction menu to get radar locks. takes foreverr

2 minutes of rebinding my keys sensibly meant i could now lock someone the moment i felt like it and often got the first shot off

was that a skill issue on my part? yes, no hiding that
did my gameplay improve when i bound my keys? yes

F-4S players are prime examples. a decent proportion of them have no idea how to make their radar work as fast/best as possible, so when they come across someone who does, its generally disastrous

You can bet majority of people are doing it like you used to.

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exactly. people make really basic mistakes such as keeping their radar on sometimes when theyve got no radar missiles to guide. fine if you’re looking for someone, but if say, youve got a blind hunt/avenger on them and you’re blaring on their RWR for no reason, you’re giving them a huge advantage by letting them know where you’re coming from.


Then you have people taking 40 mins of fuel in flanker, full missile load and they go and BFM gripen running min fuel with fuel tank the moment they merge, they lose in one turn then go and complain gripen OP, flanker should turn on a spot while being heavy AF with absolutely destroyed aerodynamics by missile load. Is it really well made plane with clean aero? Yes, but not with ERs on belly, they absolutely murder that aerodynamics.
There are a lot of things at top tier that just adds up. Gripens low fuel consumption that results in min fuel gripens fighting flankers on 20+ mins of fuel or F16s. Planes spanning through basically 3 decades resulting in airframes that simply CANT be compared at all and all of them have their own advatageous fighting styles. It just happens heavy huge fighgters with a lot of missiles are not meant to BFM low fuel lightweight fighters with FBW.


curious how maneuverability displays on any aircraft aren’t ever done with a full combat load

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You are not making huge claims and assessments about people while talking like you are a master of the game.

That’s how Edward looks while calling people unskilled clueless chimps.

I simply showed the irony of the situation

I take 20 min fuel on my Su-27 , and use Afterburner half the time, when I’m in chase or fights.

So usually when I start dogfights I got about 10-15 min fuel

I also jettison my R-27s if I end up in a dogfight

Yet you still cannot beat full fuel tank Gripens because gaijin models engine heat like shit (look at F-5C) and the 1 chance you get at rear aspect R-73 shot gets flared

I don’t think anyone actually takes 40 min fuel in it