SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Trust me, a lot of people do either due to ignorance or they simply want stay on the burner forever.

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Just why lol, using full afterburner means you will go in 1st and die to missile spam

Is anyone willing to test 1v1 in their Gripen Vs Su-27?

Proper dogfights are hard to get in spamfest air Rb

Right, i would love to see flanker doing cobra with full missile load and tons of fuel… those wings snapping off would be lovely. Yet you get people compaining why its not turning while having literaly 2,5 tons of AA weapons on.

  1. You have heard of flares and cutting burner yes?

  2. also relies on knowing how R-73 as a missile works.

Flare it early and drop burner and you mostly are fine. The one time I can think of that i’ve died to an R-73 is when i was stock, so had no BOL rails and couldn’t run periodic, and either I didn’t see the launch or was G-LOCed out. 9M is a bit harder to in the rear aspect (and a lot of people struggle to because again they don’t know how to flare it) but its still achievable.

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I mean, we are back to chimps statement with that.


I know how every single missile works in the game with detailed knowledge

It is because gaijin doesn’t actually model engine heat , they model heat based on total thrust , which is BS

An afterburning F-5C thus has less IR signature in the game than an A-4E

Brilliant question. I’m at a loss like you are.

If i were a Flanker, the first thing I’d be doing is burnering for Alt and hunting down every F-14 and F-15 I could find and tossing R-27s at them.

However I am not a Su-27 player, so I can’t claim that to be the be all end all game winning strategy.

No need for that condescending tone, you could alternatively say “yes I do know how AIM-9M and R-73 works” and that’d have the same effect. rather than making yourself look a bit daft.

And yes, Heat sig has been buggered for a long time. In the same way F-5C is virtually invisible to IR missiles, Tornado on initial release was hotter than the sun because… idk. It was for the most part unlikely that you’d decoy anything other than an R-3S.

I just took out F-16C for few battles and well… i fly it like gripen and ONLY thing thats missing is countermesures. I die due to lack of CMs where i cant leave it on auto and focus on fighting. + strangely, teams. With gripen, i often get teams that dumpsters enemy. With F16, my team is dying on ER up high…

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do not take chaff, take flares only, it will make you a better player as well, you will get used to using terrain and notching radar missiles, R-27s , AIM-7s, that is what i do, i never take chaff anymore at top tier

waste of CMs that is what chaff is, unless you are something like a gripen or F-14 with 700CMs

i do, but when you are used to 360 combined, 120 is not doing it :D

lol. you clearly dont understand why chaff is good or how to use it if you think lacking it makes you better.

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I mean, if you fly low, its pointless unless you like to fight in vertical. I take it in gripen only because i bleed energy by going vertical so i wont get slapped by ER.

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Which Gripen should i get?

I am very close to both UK and Sweden gripen, but i cannot be bothered to spade both, and pay SL + expert both.

Which tech tree has a better future? As i will talisman the gripen i will get

Both are same thing, will eventually get same weaponry for A-A. British will get typhoon, sweden gripen E. Depends on what you want more. (not sure if sweden uses iris-t though. saaf and raf uses it)

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if memory serves the C is marginally heavier but has fuel efficiency going for it. don’t quote me on that.

never getting into positions which require you to chaff is the best way to play in the 1st place, as chaffing will not work against radar missiles in close range, well whatever floats your boat.

Maybe if you had actual top tier fighters with actual all aspect PD radars,(unlike Tornado F3, or the gripen which has garbage radar missiles for its br, your only top tier PD radar vehicles) you would understand how futile chaff is when you would kill so many people trying to rear aspect chaff radar missiles, but oh well

i guess ill get british and buy the new CH2 OES premium and use them together

Only fox1 able to get through chaffs with some sort of reliability is 27R/ER. Aim7 is just doomed, it either flies other direction or outright detonates. God its so bad compared to R27, its not even funny.