SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

seems to be dead on, max sep at 15000 feet ~700

Sure, close enough when drawing rough lines on graphs. So according to your graphs, the MiG29 holds ~700 ft/s from 0.75M to 1.0M right? Do you think the mig29 should match the 16A rate at 0.9M@15k ft then?

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iirc, at higher speed and especially at higher altitude, it seems F16 and MiG-29 are 1°/sec appart

Keep low speed and 30 AoA doing like 20deg/s turn it’s just unreal AF.

Honestly my argument would be “even if it is realistic, and?”

It’s an insane dogfighter, but the trade is the BVR ability in comparison to the Flanker and F-15 is hot garbage.

In other words, what i’m very politely saying is “cope, get better at BVR”

The Gripen is known to be a high agility lightweight airframe, and people should’ve known that. If you don’t like that, identify a Gripen at long range and snipe it with a BVRAAM. It’s not as if R-27ER and AIM-7M can’t do that.


Nononono, thats not how it works. Flanker copers have to win in both BVR with absurdly OP ER and in BFM too with their stupidly heavy jet that surprisingly bleeds speed as hell when loaded up. They can be happy its not G limited like charts state when in full AA load.
But small jet with worse acceleration, no BVR whatsoever and without thrust vectoring missiles so it has to rely on its 120 round mediocre gun in close in BFM that likes to hit or crit for nothing is OP and cant be dominating flankers in BFM. Who cares if its over decade younger airframe utilising latest computer simulations and FBW with canard delta…
NOP, flanker beats all or nothing.


Defies physics of course

I mean the gun is, to be fair, quite good using default belts. I can’t aim it for my life but i’m getting there.

The irony is this is i’m pretty sure i haven’t died to any flankers yet. None of them have tossed R-27s at me (terrain masking!!!) and IR missiles are pretty flareable. Only time I’ve died to R-73 is when my pilot blacked out and before i had BOL rails.


Same here ive had most success using Default belts, the PELE-T round seems to be acting as basically APHE atm, unsure if thats subject to change

I dont know, i used default, AA or AG belt. Its doing nothing, like yeah, eventually it cripples the plane but to the point its not a kill, someone swoops in and steals it. Often in headons, its crit and enemy flies away like nothing. Russian 23mm is nuke, that 27 feels sometimes like BB gun, sometimes it detonates enemy. Its BB gun more often though.

Got nothing but crits affecting Flight Performance(which usually means i follow up with a 9M or a gun pass which kills em), Fires, or Pilot snipes. Which is always hilarious.

Just Default belt all the way. From what Defyn says that seems to work best.

All the advice i can offer you is try to aim for the fuselage centre or cockpit as thats how ive had most success due to the fusing being a little iffy atm

Centre of Mass seems to work best at the minute. 27 slaps like no tomorrow, provided you don’t G-LOC beforehand and receive a missile haha

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Btw, i think its air performance is not an issue, its the countermesures. This absurd ammount is often on lacking airframes like tornado or harrier, 14B is better but its no UFO either.
Gripen is firts high performance jet getting that absurd ammount. I sit at 80%+ win rate but with only approx 2 kills per battle.
I bet issues are countermesures, you can fly into the middle of enemy, start auto dispense, let them focus you and your team will finish them. You dont even have to kill anyone and you win the battle yourself anyway.

More a issue of people trying to outdog fight it when they should be trying to out rate it in a two circle fight which they should win as opposed to the one circle where Gripen dominates


it breaks my heart seeing all these BVR monsters being piloted by absolute chimpanzees who have completely forgotten all of the basic figher maneuvers and everything that they should have learnt while getting to top tier through props, the fact that they got to top tier and they’re still losing to an underpowered (in engine, weaponry, and even gun) plane in ACM whose only saving grace is (meant to be) a good one circle says a lot more about the pilot than the planes they’re using or fighting against.
This all boils down to “skill issue” and “git gud”


Exactly. Then again my guess is its intended to run tonnes of chaff to defend against radar shots, but of course it plays completely different to intended because we dont have it.

It’s why BOZ-107 on the Tornado is such a point of contention, it should run 28 flares and ~520 chaff but instead just runs 28 flares or chaff per pod because modelling. and no separate decoy dispense

this was my point earlier haha. learn your planes advantages, use em. Su-27 should be a monster with 6 R-27s. Yet no one seems to have any idea of tactics, working as a team, CAP rotation, going cold etc.

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FOX-3s will be a major turning point imo, it will probably cause a near apocalyptic event at top tier seeing how people cope with actually capable FOX-3 and not the gimped AIM-54s we have in game

Barely anyone is using them at close ranges aswell… hell its amazing dogfight missile if opponent is like 1,5-3km away and you are slow and can properly lead. Flanker is most meta jet but sadly, its boring to fly and i dont like i cant spam CMs like with gripen.

I mean AIM-54s are somewhat capable and are a pain in the arse… especially if you have no chaff