SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I’m on about the armscor one from SA not the aermachi one

Don’t think we need to go out of our way to get him blacklisted. His sources are a bit… odd. I wouldn’t have used an Aermacchi graph to bug report a Saab Gripen performance, as far as i’m aware they never possessed one, so it’s almost definitely presumed/inferred data in there.

I’m sure we can leave this to suggestion mods

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Seriously, F-16A and MiG-29 have the same rate on there… hahahaha. It’s like those world maps in movies where all the continents are slightly malformed but look fine if you don’t pay attention.

Dude is pulling out all the stops to try and get Gripen nerfed to the ground


I mean if we take that as gospel then War Thunder is miles out… I highly doubt that that Graph is accurate. As I said before, Aermacchi likely didn’t have access to a Gripen airframe and has even less chance to know where a MiG-29 stands in terms of performance.

If anyone’s any good with russian, maybe give this a nose.

You are calling him incompetent but it is not even airspeed…

Just look at this FM , in this part of the video the only modification he has unlocked is the compressor, so a fully stock JA 39 is this oppressive.

“its this opressive” not surprising a Delta wing jet with canards and Positive thrust to weight is Incredible in dogfighting. i dont know why people are surprised that this thing is really strong in a dogfight when not to mention the factors above again but also its a incredibly low drag airframe.


He is fully stock in that part, the video owner shows this. @MiG_23M claims it is overperforming according to real charts as well

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Su27 1984
Gripen 1996
And so it begins


Yes. I know, the “real charts” he shows are of dubious quality im personally not holding much faith in them considering theyre putting MIG-29, Rafale and F16 all on a equal playing field lmao, not to mention his arguement has changed so much over the past what 4? days since patch release he might have had more arguements than people who have played WT


SU-33 (year 1995) with improved stuff would have been this monsters equal, not SU-27 with broken FM just like SMT

The JAS-39C MAY, key word here MAY be overperforming in rate fights but we have no real clear data on what its capabilities are outside of dubious quality test reports.

Your also making the point of the SU-33 being a Equal to JAS39 and probably so because the JAS39 was designed to be able to beat things like SU-27s in dogfights

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No cause this Gripen hasn’t got its ARH

I was running WTRTI in test flight and a completly clean gripen with 20 mins of fuel is pulling around 30 degrees a second in a turn at 800-600kmh where it rapidly drops off after 600 to stabilise at 24.
This is A spaded gripen C btw.

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There is no real charts this is part of the problem. There is slither of data partial charts from other aircraft where the Gripen is referenced that is it.

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Specific excess power is a function of airspeed and altitude…I would expect a tech mod to know that.

US/Russia players when another nation gets a strong meta jet


The fact that you’re calling the su27 FM bad, whilst completely ignoring the armament the Su27 gets over the Gripen, is fairly typical russoid cope.


You are saying that the max rate is at the same airspeed for both of them. Explain that then.

its low speed is not as good as it should but other then that it should be fine FM wise

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Sorry you’re right I was wrong. The airspeed will be different because of the different thrust/drag profiles of the two aircraft. However, we know from actual good sources that the mig29 will not match the rate of the f16A at any airspeed. I’m pretty sure the max SEP is also different. Or are you also denying that now? Based off a cartoonish looking figure?