SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Would love it bo be a feature, so you can track multiple enemies position in real time in a more detailed way, not only on the radar screen. An that theoreticly possible, as some planes show ping postion on hud/hmd irl, but that would require the TWS ability to softlock multiple targets at onece, thing we do not have yet in game.

Also Gripen c has no cockpit lighting, if anyone cares.

In game or irl because in game it has red lighting

It does? it does not work for me. How great…

War Thunder’s F-14 Tomcat’s original radar was INSANE! - YouTube

This is what TWS for the F-14 looked like when it was first released.


Yea, thats what happens sometime for me

Devs nerfed it for gameplay parity, like much of the F-14’s sensor package.

Well, it still creeps into the game sometimes

je suis joueur SIMU AIR depuis 4 ans, je combat a tout les BR depuis un an je joue les f16c ainsi que les mig29 russ et le su27.
je sais utilisé les flair et chaff, je sais utiliser les différents mod de radar et les differents HDN.
j’ai énormément de victoire avec les missiles AIM9M , R27ET , R27ER et R73.
depuis cette semaine il m’est difficile de locker les saab jas 39c que ce sois en radar ou ir , ils flair en automatique depuis leur zone de décollage , est ce que gajin avait prévu cela ou alors il y a une solution pour les battres car je vous avoue avoir usé de tout mes moyens en vain ,je me resoud donc a seulement jouer avec eux plutot que contre eux .
donc ma question: avez vous une technique pour les combattre et être victorieux ou bien il faudra attendre qu ils soient nerf , merci de vos réponses…

“Good morning,
I have been a SIMU AIR player for 4 years, I have been fighting all the BRs for a year I have been playing the f16c as well as the mig29 russ and the su27.
I know how to use the flair and chaff, I know how to use the different radar mods and the different HDNs.
I have a lot of victory with the AIM9M, R27ET, R27ER and R73 missiles.
since this week it has been difficult for me to lock the saab jas 39c whether by radar or ir, they sniff automatically from their takeoff zone, did gajin have planned this or is there a solution to beat them because I admit to having used all my means in vain, so I resolve to just play with them rather than against them.
so my question: do you have a technique to fight them and be victorious or will you have to wait until they are nerfed, thank you for your answers…”


I will stick to writing this in english since I don’t know a good translator for french and I am afraid that google will butcher it =)

If I understand it correctly, you mean that the Gripen is hard to lock on to?

It does have a rather small frontal radar cross section so it will be harder to detect for radars even when flying straight towards them, it also has a ton of CM’s so it can spam flares and chaff while notchin or going cold to make you lose your lock. Your best bet is to keep some distance since the Gripen currently lacks any real BVR option and has to rely on IR missiles. If you fly straight towards them you can easily flare away the 9M’s and then won’t be able to keep up with you if you continue straight.

Try to always face them, since that’s when your radar missiles have the best chance of getting them, while giving them the worst possible solution for their 9M’s.

Also make sure to fire your R73’s in rear aspect, within 1.5km. They get harder and harder to flare the closer you get and they have the maneuverability to hit them even at those knife fight ranges.

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Only now, forward flares, for all your head-on problems.
caused by this BOL on left inboard pylon

Cheers I’ve reported this.


I have another bug, but could you check if it is an issue only for me or if it is global?
When in hmd mode, looking to the edges using free cam (c for me) and using pitch or roll buttons (ws ad for me) it locks my hmd to the front position and it stays like this until i let go of the c button. Yaw and rebinding pitch roll does nothing.

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I mean, I never ever was able to lock anything with HMD when I played it so i’m wondering if that’s something that needs investigating

when using hmd, you have to manually lock using radar lock button, not like acm that locks automaticly


Oh boy hahah, yeah mate you need to using the “lock target” button once the HMD is over the desired target.

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That is, to me, a “Slam head into nearest Table” moment

That explains a whole lot.


New video, to some chill Lo-Fi. Couple tips for my follow Gripenerers? Gripers? Gripenites? Gripbros? Attach the LITENING II pod, it scouts targets roughly within its FOV out to 20km. This is a massive boost to your team and their SA.

Secondly using the HMD lock targets up to get the radar LSZ information, this can tell you in a pinch if your shot will even land. Anything within the LSZ is +90% going to hit (countermeasures not withstanding).

In this video I use both the targeting pod for scouting and the LSZ to take the best possible shots.


Am i the only taking poor skyflashes with me? They were looking so sad in the box in the corner so i started taking them out and it pays out. 9-5km head-on shots mosly land, mostly…

Until they’re mounted to the CRL with BOL so I can keep the same CM load I don’t think its worth it. The launch warnings will only serve to alert your target sooner allowing them to defend, from my experience not enough players are paying attention to locks on their RWR, and only care about launch warnings.

This has the affect of players not paying any attention to lock warnings so using the radar and its LSZ is not likely to alert the average player and you can launch right at the edge of the LSZ and score some comically long range shots with the 9M’s.