SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I don’t think they’ve modelled a2g radars in the game properly yet, only some early plane has a shitty version of it. The AJ Viggen should also have it

The SU-39 has one.


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Oh, didn’t know that.

Strange how they didn’t give the AJ Viggen one then…

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do we have sources on that? i have read through almost all of the flight manual and i can’t remember seeing a ground track mode for the radar. only a surface scan to map the ground for navigation.
but i might be misremembering.

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Their is lots of planes in game that could have one but the only one in game with one is the su39

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Welcome to War Thunder.

This isnt the first time, nor will it be the last time, soviets got something first and it wasnt added to other nations even though they could get a straight C&P for quite a while.

In the Gripen’s case, I reckon its either A) It has the F-16s radar currently or B) they decided it wasnt worth it for a “fighter”


I mean I can kinda understand it since it doesn’t really have any air to ground radar weapons… I’m guessing they are waiting with that radar mode for Robot 15 and that kinda stuff. Both Gripen and Viggen had really cool anti ship missiles

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Yeah, its a mixed bag. Though if the T-Pod could be slewed to the radar target (Like I think they can be in a heli) then that alone would make it worth it.

Though whether its highly niche or not, should always be an option. Kinda annoys me that the Tornado Gr1 doesnt have the naval/anti-ship radar mode available like the MFG has (literally the same radar, with the same capabilities), regardless of whether or not the Gr1 has ASMs available (or even equipped if they are ever added).

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Dagor Engine 7.0 when?


Found a pretty cool SAAB report showcasing the HMS/HMD of the Gripen in a dogfight with eurofighters. It should get this feature in the game in cockpit mode, similar to the F16C. I made a bug report about it.

(The picture is from Henrik’s HMD camera (Helmet Mounted Display) and shows a Typhoon in sight.)


Very nice find.

Forwarded your HMD, HUD and spelling mistake reports.


Russian hmd is just a circle so nato cannot possibly have anything better -gaijin probably

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Anyone noticed some weird shit with the gripen and speed at alt? I noticed I seemed to accelerate to the rip speed ias faster at higher alt than at sea level, and it turns out when at rip speed, the gripen makes around 8000 kgf at sea level but 8600 kgf if it is at rip speed at 2000 meters alt. Is this a bug or is there a reasonable explanation to why the engine makes more thrust with altitude? I always thought no matter what, staying at sea level maximizes the ias the plane can achieve?

I think engines are tweaked differently some perform better at sea alt and some better ar high alt

I never got to understand this.
How do you make TWS to show you the square with corner only that follows planes even when you do not have them sellected

You can see it is not the soft lock

How do you trigger it?

its just a bug afaik that happens when you first switch to TWS and havent selected a target yet to hook, it hooks the first thing it sees as if you didnt have targets cyclic switch off

Oh i see. Well, i had situations where it gave me like 10 of those locks at the same time. Well it would be cool to have an option to show the targets you previously locked like that.

Well, it keeps giving me the, idk how to call it, so corner lock, even tho i keep sitting in TWS

It is the third time i got it to corner lock that tempes simply by turning radar to the right so it loses it.
Targeted antenne on the su that just started, lock (it was following it, but multipathing kicked in like nothing)

Another corner lock, now in the small search after switching to other radar modes

yeah I think its just a weird bug, its been around for ages. I remember when the MiG-29 was first added it would put a box over stuff that was beyond ranges I could even move my cursor to because they were detected