SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Imma have to narrate this.

Or get a video together and narrate this



Plz no.


April Fools hmmm?

Its supposed to have forward firing flares isn’t it?
the BOP fires forward if i remember correctly, but the BOL fires backwards.
i’ve made a report on the missing ESTL countermeasure pod (with accompanying MAW and MAW slave).


Community Bug Reporting System

is it a miss from dev where they made the missile compatible BOL pod function like a ESTL pod?
or does the internal BOP also fire forwards?


BOP fires upwards and downwards(on the gripen c you can see that in pictures, you cant on the gripen a because it didnt have those afaik)
it might look like the flares are flying forwards but thats because of inertia.

Screenshot 2024-01-09 224242

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Thats from the pod, not inboard

First paragraph “can act as primary […] easy to integrate to gripen”
Screenshot 2024-01-09 225115

So both ESTL, BOP standalone and BOP integrated can forward fire.

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please show me a picture of gripen firing the internal flares forward.

i don’t think we’ll be able to find any pictures of any plane that can prove forward firing flares.
let alone a way to prove that its an internal and not external pod that does it.
video and pictures will most likely not be able to be used to prove anything.

also, the gripen has the ability for the pilot to choose exactly what flares in what direction to fire how many of how fast. so some videos has only downward, some have only upward and some have both.
it would be unsafe to use forward firing during an airshow since they can obscure vision.

found more info:


Screenshot 2024-01-10 082550

Unfortunately just because the BOP dispenser family is capable of forward firing doesn’t mean the Gripen airframe has any mounted pointing forwards.

That is true.
Do we know that they aren’t mounted like that?
or are we in a situation where we can’t know for sure because its classified?

The BOP-G dispensers are all top and bottom mounted. All other dispensers are rear facing.

good to know :)
do you have source on that?
(Source hoarding tendencies XD)

do we know if the BOP mounted on the ESTL is forward facing or down?

found a vid of the Mauser BK-27 firing and i would live this sound for the Gripen in game:


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lots of them.

here’s one

and another

maybe this one too

shouldn’t take a physicist to figure out which way the flares would be flying if they’re facing up/down

also videos:

JAS 39 Gripen Low and Fast Dropping Flares [4K] (

JAS 39 Gripen High Speed Pass and Launching Flares [4K] (
same aircraft going the opposite direction

JAS 39 Gripen Inverted Releasing Flares [4K] - YouTube
same aircraft and inverted (dowards facing flares)

Gripen C Flares - Kaivari 2021 [4K UHD] (
different demo

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I dont really understand your point.
I said images/videos of it being FIRED forward on ANY plane.

I never stated that it doesn’t fire up/down.
I merely stated that BOP also has the ability to fire forwards.

Can you tell by the pictures alone that the internal BOP isn’t angled forwards? It does not have to be 90° forward, it can just as well be at an angle.

And as previously stated, since the pilot can choose which way to fire flares, showing videos of it firing up and down does not exclude forwards.

Secondly, I asked separately about the ESTL pod BOP firing direction, not the internal BOP.

Well I can see the orientation of the dispensers on the Gripen from photos.

The BOL-500/700 and CRL all fire rearward.
BOP-G on the fuselage are mounted facing up and down.
BOL739/2 on the outboard pylons are rear firing.
The ESTL is mounted like a missile on either the wing tips or LAU-7 rails. The tip doesn’t have a dispenser visible. It has a downward firing BOP-G dispenser and a rear firing BOL rail. So nothing forward firing there.

Nothing stopping someone building these into an airframe to fire forward. I suspect when they say its forward firing they likely mean it has the pressure needed to fire the flare/chaff out into the airstream. Rather than they all fire forward.

Forward firing countermeasures are very effective. The issue is with fixed wing especially, you fly into your own countermeasures. Sucking flare or chaff into your engine is less than ideal.

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okay :)
on the ESTL at least, BOP can be seen angled forward and down at a around 45 degree angle compared to nose. i don’t know if it has to be 100% straight forward for it to be called forward firing but i would personally argue that 45 degrees (or there around) is at least not down.



Okay so forwardish but away from the airframe.

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