SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

TPod Stabilization incorrect // // Issues
could you pass this one?
its annoying the crap out of me that when im overflying the target in the gripen, or any other jet with a tpod, the tpod goes upside down

Yeah, few aircraft enter the game with their correct native radar. So give it a few months. I reckon some/all of the bugs/issues related to the radar will be fixed when that happens. But it could be a while. I hate placeholder items on aircraft

Tornado F3 entered with the F-14As radar and that took about a month or so to get fixed to the Stage W and then another 2 months (next major) till it got the decent Stage 2G radar.

Sea Harrier FRS1 had the F-5Es radar for 9 months before gettings its own. (even though the data and info was all provided by a tech mod week 1)


Known issue and a code limitation right now.

Hey could you take a look at my bug reports while your at it?

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All of that should be fixed when we get a correct cockpit.


Looks at FRS1’s placeholder Gr3 HUD

Ah yes i forgot that. I forgot it is a needed thing to be added.


You forgot it got Z after W, and then 2G
They all still sit in the files
And if you wonder W and Z are the same

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It only got Z on the dev server. It had the 2G on release.


Still counts

The Zlist was planned for the F.3 and ADV for the release of the ADV, but plans changed pretty much last minute to the 2G after @Flame2512 found proof the Italians leased 2G equipped aircraft.

So the Zlist was just copied from the Wlist and not developed any further past that as we moved on to the 2G.


Wait, we only got a better radar on the F.3 because the Italians used the 2G radar?

They wanted them to be the same. They erroneously thought the IAF had leased Zlist aircraft.

Damn. Didn’t know that. Flame to the rescue again.

videos, for some reason, aren’t generally accepted as acceptable forms of evidence.
my understanding is the Snel has suggested a video can be tampered with. not sure how that’d apply in this case

you what

so what you’re saying is they planned to gimp the F.3 in the same way that they gimped the GR.1 because… idk maybe they could tell us? (and i’m referencing the Mk.101 engines instead of the more standard Mk.103s, and also the more restrictive airframe limitations because a British manual said something different to the German and Italian ones despite it literally being the same aircraft built to the same specifications)

but because Flame proved that the Italian one used Stage 2G they didn’t want to run the risk of enraging the Brit mains?


sure, that is understandable and reasonable. But i think it should be different when it is an informational video directly from the manufacturer on their own Youtube channel.

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Made a report on Air-to-surface mode missing on PS-05/A radar.


Videos are not accepted in scenarios like speed, reload, turning ect. In not speed related things they are accepted, but written sources are prefered over videos(i do not see a point in that, whether for example manufacturer states a thing on paper or on video it is the same, but ok)

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