SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Also love how nerfs take less than week to be done, but Challenger 2 has bug reports more than a year old that still havent been fixed (that would result in buffs) same for Tornados, Harriers, etc


Yes, and that’s really sad. as a British main I don’t know how not to be angry about that situation

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Yep. Its pretty clear how they feel about Britian and even finally giving us a 12+ aircraft, it feels… bitter sweet. Looking forward to it getting even more nerfs in coming days, no way its allowed to remain competitive for long

Not 30 mins but this has the block 10 rate. Both the block 10 and 15 shouldn’t really change compared to each other with different loads. This chart uses the old FMs for the Su-27 and Gripen though. Shows how crazy the Gripen was though.


Dont play british ground, i gave up after russians received better round which totally nullified UFP of chally 2s.

Most of my deaths are due to crashing my Gripen in a G lock and wing rip from negative G. Not complaining just my only issue while flying this jet.

Anyone else experience the same?

Though this aircraft is the least unique and lightly armed of all new the fighters. It is by far the most fun to fly. It should have the amazing flight performance as it does and CM to defend.

Bought the crew for it, got better + i push a lot in high G turns to lower possibility of Glock.

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From where EF2000 have better TWR than Rafale…

Thats why i hope it wont end up as a brick… dont give it amraams when they come if it means it stays as it is now… atleast its fun to fly, not like the other huge boats that are super unresponsive.

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Yeah I had to Ace the crew too lol (well I usually do but thought I can get away without).

I still crash here and there lol (skill issue).

Why would it? its literally a fighter the size of a Volkswagen beetle and highly aerodynamically computer designed. Are people out begging for nerfs? I hope not its totally fine and if people are upset they need to worry about the FM they are using as I know each of the new ones are lacking. (have not gotten the 4k yet though)

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ive got rather good battle in it relying mainly on gun while 9Ms went away (bad shots or just pressure shots). Will try to upload later. The agility it gets on low fuel is insane and it being small means hard target + 700 flares on continuous dispense is nuts in current meta as long as you stay low or notch sparrow. Somehow they can be notched in lookup without chaff…

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They will be again sooner or later, it dumpsters all other top tier jets in BFM, cant have that, minor nation with dominant plane in BFM when flanker is supposed to be “super maneuverable” ?

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Yes as people don’t believe something that isn’t American can be good


Dumpstering all top tier jets isn’t even true. From what I have heard the F-16 blk 10 still beat the Gripen with the first live patch FM, and the M4K beats it as well. The F16 may rate worse but at medium speeds it pulls 35 deg/sec of turn for several seconds and thats how it wins.

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I love how often US pilots comes from exchange programs from europe and they praise european designs as often on par or superior with really well though UIs and human integration to jet.

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Unfortunately they are taught the world looks like this in school:


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Su27 is supermaneuverable… though a little more alpha is needed at higher speed (like the devserver up to 900km).

But regardless the Flanker is still not going to out dogfight a Gripen at high Mach numbers. nor will it ever bleed it out of energy. Its super tiny and aerodynamic… A su27 must kill the Gripen in the first 2-3 high alpha turns or its all bad. That is why it has the high off boresight capability and supermaneuvrability…

Or people can just avoid engaging in a phone booth knife fight with a small little fighter… It’s almost common sense.

Cant really say, never really fought A or AJ at that speed, i usually tried to avoid its nose and then force low speed fight where gripen wins. And mirage 4000 is pretty much always on my side :D
Thankfully, even though AJ is monster or other block 10s. Their kit is so out of meta (low flares and no irccm missiles), that barely anyone flies them anymore. Thats where gripen shines, you pretty much get that light F16A experience with tons of CMS, meta missiles and its so god damn sexy aswell (taht helps in flying it a lot too, buff in everything +10).

common sense, check this fight with 3x F15As
btw, can anyone explain what is that aim 9M doing at 2:07??? 9M shouldnt wobble while in flight… it should fly straight, no wonder its range is gimped if its doing this all the time there are flares around.