SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

The updated sustained turn rate chart for 30 minutes fuel load courtesy @RideR2

I think you are reading way too much into this. There are other planes that have similar limitations in damping mode and it’s simply a design decision to keep things simple in sim.

Iirc planes like the MiG-29 also have the ability to deliberately over pull IRL but that is also not modeled in SAS. Same goes for Su-27 as well.

From a developer perspective it makes sense that damping mode is more or less similar for most aircraft as pulling 12G at-will is not exactly realistic and also doesn’t necessarily add that much to the game; especially when you can turn off SAS and fly in Manual mode which allows the full use of the modeled aircrafts capabilities.

For whatever it is worth the Gripen is also one of the most user friendly planes to fly in manual mode.

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How much is block 10 F16 doing with 30 min fuel? Anyone knows?

Roughly same as block 15

Is there a link for this chart other than Imgur somewhere?

@MiG_23M You’re document has broken the thread

Lol can we expect a bug report on this?😂

@MiG_23M the post has broken the thread can you remove

Is that why the thread won’t let you scroll to the bottom and keep’s jumping up?

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yes he did this

Thought it was something on my end lol

The thread is alive again now :-)

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Here’s the link but not embedded


The bug reports necessary to fix it are in already

We dont need more ITR… its slapping everyone around already. Just give it a break for a bit.

After nerfs, you certainly need to run min fuel and wait for “high performance” turns till you sit around 6mins of fuel otherwise speed loss and its regaining is a bit of pain but at low fuel, its still a monster.

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Gun kiiiinda feels better now too? Crits more often results in dead planes instead of them turning instantly behind you without any performance loss. Even though sometimes its just crippling whole plane without actually “killing” it.
Either i can aim now or they did something with belts.

I honestly believe that had I not said anything about the bug report y’all wouldn’t have even noticed the changes…
Based on how y’all come up with the idea that stuff changed when it didn’t


The current changes are extremely noticable at higher fuel loads, acceleration and speed bleed. Only person that flies it few times a week wouldnt notice. Change is noticable during takeoff already.

not true, with max fuel now it’s a brick, even at 20 min it’s still slow in turns. If this wasn’t the case, you wouldn’t have spent hours and hours making reports

Also love how nerfs take less than week to be done, but Challenger 2 has bug reports more than a year old that still havent been fixed (that would result in buffs) same for Tornados, Harriers, etc