SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I forgot you had psychic abilities in your long list of qualifications.

I know, but whatever code they have for the SAS-damper might not be able to handle values of 12g. Obviously that’s purely speculative, but I find it odd they would specifically limit it for no good reason.

we noticed. (by the way you got your wish. the F-15 can outperform the Gripen at high speeds on the deck in turns)

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What can?

This thread and aircraft is precisely why I, in some ways, don’t want the typhoon to turn up. Because when it rocks up and inevitably kicks most jets asses in the manouevrability department, along with a decent radar and missile set to boot, it will be too upsetting and difficult for anyone to beat (I can already hear people crying about its flight performance and radar abilities) so will inevitably get turned into a redundant bus. I imagine the Rafale will suffer the same fate.

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Rafale should be better than anything in the game at the moment and will be superior to the Eurofighter but that’s neither here nor there.


Meanwhile in another thread, he’s accusing NATO players of “hiding” the good sources…

Honestly hope you’re getting paid or something out of this. No one should shill for free.



yes, correct, the Rafale would perform better than Typhoon.

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Equal i say

Fair argument.

Kinda funny, considering spanish EF2000 pilots fought rafales in BFM and they said - we could control engagement due to better TWR, it was very tough opponent and we lost many times too but we could play vertical where rafale couldnt keep up.


christ the lord if i got paid by the hour for the amount of time spent on this thread trying to state the bleeding obvious (that since Saab haven’t declassified bugger all and so no one can make accurate assertions about its performance for sure) then i think i’d be a millionaire

Would the eurofighter have superior high altitude performance due to wing area while the rafale would be better at low altitude?


I’d say that I am not, and probably no one else here, educated enough to make that judgement, to be completely honest.

Granted there are some opinions you can disregard right off the bat.

Is it not obvious though?

As far as BVR goes it depends entirely on whether MICA is better than the AMRAAMs the EF get, to which I honestly don’t have a clue.

And that’d likely be C-5 AMRAAMs is my guess.

Of course, Gaijin could head that off by giving both of them Meteors and trolling Russian and American mains by giving the Europeans a missile you cannot escape from at about 30 miles (UK Defence Journal cites MBDA’s claim for this one.) And also a claimed range of over 200km (i’ve seen 300km bandied around by some sources, however I can’t cite them and from my very unprofessional opinion are unsubstantiated)

Which, in my humble opinion, would quite frankly be hilarious for the 6 hours that it’d be implemented for.

I mean, i’d really like it if typhoon pilots and airframes could magically hold 30Gs and outpull most missiles, had Meteors that could score hits at 500 miles away, had an beyond the curvature of the earth scanning radar that could datalink every single airborne vehicle at that point.

Oh, and could modify the trajectory of incoming asteroids to knock satellites out of orbit.

But we all know that’s horsedung, so we’re not going to get that.

clearly mine, because i’ve made a claim with no viable substance, can’t you see… duh

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Maybe I can bug report it