SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I mean, i’d really like it if typhoon pilots and airframes could magically hold 30Gs and outpull most missiles, had Meteors that could score hits at 500 miles away, had an beyond the curvature of the earth scanning radar that could datalink every single airborne vehicle at that point.

Oh, and could modify the trajectory of incoming asteroids to knock satellites out of orbit.

But we all know that’s horsedung, so we’re not going to get that.

clearly mine, because i’ve made a claim with no viable substance, can’t you see… duh

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Maybe I can bug report it

New sustained low-speed turn rate: 19.8deg per sec.

That’s… if memory serves, less than the F-15A and the M4K.


are you doubly sure on that because if thats true then… Gaijin messed up, the official comment on the bug report was that it’d be between 20-21degrees/second.

Flight model isn’t overperforming at all currently.
Engine at-speed thrust is, but that’s not the flight model.

Gaijin was putting the rate speed at a higher speed, all I did was check the lowest speed.

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No longer is overperforming

what speed were you doing 19.8 deg/s?

coolio, wasn’t 100% sure.

at sea level with 50% internal fuel im getting 21.4 deg/s sustained at 825kph


It’s not performing correctly at all. Should have negative static stability modeled as well as become neutral or statically stable when canards are deflected. The range where it has insane turn rate should be far less

It’s also underperforming in AoA or instant turn rate.

Is it only me or it eats like almost double the ammount of fuel on full AB now?

Lowest speed the airframe would let.
So it behaves like a normal jet where it slightly lowers at its slowest speed.

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you’re not the only one. i definitely felt a little bit more fuel being used. my guess is it isn’t actually that but more the drag making the engine work for that speed.

tbf before I felt it had ridiculously low fuel consumption. 30 minutes was good for every map. Could probably get away with 20 min if you’re happy not afterburning all the time. A side note - I really wish they would finally start modelling afterburners correctly for RB mode. It should be 100% -1xx% throttle, so you can more accurately and easily go into lower afterburner throttle/mode.

well, 10min and ext fuel tank was choice for every single map before, now 10 mins is borderline for big maps

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I ran min tank + external. i used to drop the tank early. now i try and hold onto it as long as possible. Trouble is to get that performance in turns i find you very much need AB applied.

Fair enough. I liked taking max fuel, and then just full burning to get as far around the flanks before the teams meet. Most maps that worked out to be about 10-15 minutes fuel.

On another note - has there been any confirmation on the centreline pylon using bombs?

why the hell, if i ban vietnam operation, i still get that god damn map???

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Cause you didn’t get Operation, you got the other Vietnam.