Why does the Rb75T in game have less explosive TNT equivalent than the RB75?
It has the same explosive mass which is wrong as the entire point of the “T” version was to have more explosives in it (T standing for “tung” meaning heavy in Swedish).
Not only that, but i’m also fairly certain that it isn’t supposed to be a SAP-HE either as the RB75T isn’t any new AGM-65 variant but a Swedish modified AGM-65A (later AGM-65B).
Its also heavier in game but lacks the additional explosives and has less(???) penetration. Here is an 8 month old report on the missile.
So basically just more explosives strapped behind the shaped charge and designed to create shrapnel in addition to the penetration being stronger.
as it is now its a downgrade instead of being an upgrade.
So is it just a case of the stat cards having the wrong amount of explosives listed?
The AGM-65G is also listed as having 39kg explosive mass, I can’t remember where but i’m like 95% sure that i’ve seen the AGM-65G listed with the heavier warhead as well.
This might then be a translation issue… x)
i understood it as more actual explosives, not just that the warhead itself was heavier.
Thanks for the info!
Yeah its not explained very well in Raytheon’s brochure either, they just list the full 300lb weight. But the main different is HEAT vs BPF (SAP-HE in game).
Here is a handy guide;
Thank you so much!
You do A LOT of great work on the forum and on the issues site! THANKS!
So Sweden basically did an “Ikea” and took the B seeker with the “SAP-HE” warhead to make it more effective than the normal A/B version but cheaper than any of the IR/Laser variants.
@Gunjob Some questions about flares as i couldn’t find any info while searching.
what characterizes “large” and “small” flares? Like, are there standard sizes that are considered large/small/(huge?) for the sake of the game?
Is there a specific order (of size) flares are fired in?
for example: If the JAS39C has the 12 huge(?) ones in the pylons, 80 large ones in the body and 640 small ones in the BOL pods. Which ones get fired first?
Should this be selectable together with the chaff/flare amount and the ability to fire those separately?
(Or at least to fire the biggest ones first and then descend in effectiveness. It’s not worth “saving” the bigger ones for later if you don’ät survive the first missile x) )
are different flares differently effective against IRCCM missiles and non-IRCCM missiles independent of size. As in; do some jets have more effective flares than others even though both carry “small” flares?
They Large and standard ones are based on the russain ones. Small are bol and bol only. IIRC Large are based on the MIG-23 ones. Dunno about standard ones.
There is, it is pre determined order, it is not based on the size.
And the 12 under the wings are large ones.
depends on the type. shut off seeker do not care about the size, gatewidth do. All sizes are standard, so large on a gripen are the same as the ones on Su-27 and JH-7A.
I’m not sure i fully understand, is the loop per flare or is it per “module”?
As in; if i have 3 different sizes located at internal/pod/rail and fire 3 flares, will it fire one flare from each module? or do i need to empty one of the internal modules for it to start fire from one of the rails?
are those stats different per plane/module or a standard per size?
They follow a certain patter. For gripen it is: front fuselage pod, middle fuselage pod, rear fuselage pod, underwing flares, outer BOL, inner BOL, repeat.
That’s really weird though.
that means that if you have periodic countermeasures on in groups of like 2 then you are after half a game randomly going to get either 2 small, 2 standard, 1 large one standard, 1 large one small or 1 small and 1 standard per burst.
it also means that to be 100% sure that a large flare is fired i have to cycle through the entire loop (because who keeps track of where in the loop you are at any given moment?).
the only way to get consistent flares in this case is to put the periodic amount to 4 and then manually fire the first 6 rotations so that the large rail flares are out.
it would be much more reasonable if the large flares were the ones used first and then go down to standard and lastly small (and i’m not going to into the whole “BOL should be standard” debacle because you already know). or if one of each size were fired per burst or something.