notch filters? How does that work in game? Is it the chaff part, but i dont think they locked chaff in pd?
it will lock-on chaff while tracking target is performing 3-9
They locked chaff in notch? I never experienced that in Gripen, just ususal lock loss in PD
gaijin remove mprf tracking notch filter · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine@47ee452 · GitHub
So if i read this right, in game it will just mean that PD ACM will not lock on chaff in 3-9, right?
Shouldnt in headons, it locked them in headons. It cant really see difference from perfectly notching plane and chaff (from game sense, real radars have SW solutions to deal with chaff in notch).
Did they reduced fuel ONCE again and its consumption aswell???
Is the structural limit modifier, doesn’t mean it can perform 1.5x its aerodynamic capabilities.
To be entirely fair it seems that way. I haven’t played it nearly as much but it’s good when I have played it.
Also “zoom” climbing mid match and then dumping 6 9Ms on everyones head while theyre not looking is exceptionally funny.
Well… 9M it’s huge random missile
That’s 11km launch with splash
How and why? IDK
If he was flying towards you it would explain it
Late night gaming eh?
Looks insane and 4.4Mil in 220 games is not bad at all.
I agree, but we shouldn’t forget that the F-15, Su-27 and F-16C are in a class of their own and still face teams of 50% inferior planes like the F4S, MiG-23 etc.
The top tier planes will usually always end up with great performances since they won’t get uptiered and don’t have to fight an uphill battle.
Even then, I agree the Gripen undoubtly takes the crown between the new top tiers in a dogfight. We will need to wait and see how the Fox-3’s will change that.
Do we have an updated STR chart now?
Pro-tip btw, on the stats page you can now search, so you can display a single plane/tank/boat with the column headers at the top!
Ah noice never realised that. Also what’s the link for the place that has the STR charts
Here are 2 bug reports on inaccuracies in the Gripen cockpit.
Includes a spelling mistake where it has the German word for “war” on the war mode switch instead of the Swedish word for it.
Also the Heads-up-display horizontal lines/information not being wide enough
Another thing with the HUD is that it lacks a fixed guncross. I believe that the ⨂ as seen in this video: is the guncross.
Also, peep the ranging circle on pipper.
In-game we only have the pipper and flight path marker.