SAAB-105 is in an unreasonable place. it need higher tier

It shouldn’t be at 8.3, and it’s level five.
SAAB 105 has features that other aircraft in the 8.3 do not have.
It can use both CCIP and missiles.
And It can be born in the air.
The threat to both the air and the ground is better than that of the same level
ALPHA E is 9.0,saab 105 will to 8.7


Yes in ground RB no in air RB.


What a coincidence Sweden is always undertiered and War Thunder have a developer that publicly likes Swedish vehicles.


I agree with this one. Every time I see a SAAB-105 I pee my pants a little. They’re so maneuverable. I know they’re not the fastest but it doesn’t matter when they can just out climb you and Boom and zoom you. They’re like the XP-50 of jets. PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO FIGHT THEM!

Best way ive found to beat them is to go into a vertical, at least when i play the swift trying to pull them upwards works for me

I also generally try to get them to use all their ammo up, they dont have much compared to others so if you can stay nimble and dodge their shots you can overpowerel them that way

But if a single burst of the 30mm hits you…


Hmm ok. Ty, I’ll try this next time I see one. I’ve tried this before but it has never worked, but it’s normally in the F86

Qué pasaría si atacan con un misil nuclear una central nuclear ... Danamics LMX : le dangereux ventirad sodium-potassium de 2009 refait ...


Yeah, just think fast thoughts

Firstly, which planes are you playing and seeing them in? Secondly, how are you playing, are you climbing like you would in props and getting jumped when you are slow in the climbing state?

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F-86’s and F9F-8 mostly

Yeah, I climb, but I side climb so I don’t normally get jumped then. Mostly they’re 3rd partiers or when I’m slow after doing a loop and stuff like that.

They aren’t that crazy lmao. Almost anyone with semi decent understanding can take them out. I do it fairly often with the F80. The biggest thing to account for is that they dont bleed speed as fast as you’d think. They also overshoot a lot and their guns are pretty hit or miss, they either rip your jet apart or spark 9 times in a row. Try bringing them vertical and bleeding them of speed. They are energy fighters and without their speed they fly like bricks. Once youve gotten them around the 400 km they tend to have a harder time turning which is normally when i get gun on them. You should also be cautious since most of the people who’ve played that thing also had to use non tracer ammo for about 2 years meaning they may just keep using stealth belt and those types can be annoying to deal with if they attack from the sides or a head on since you cant see their tracers. Also if you have su 9 or 11 they outturn the Saab if they can bleed them. A smart saab player won’t try to turn fight something they turns better and gains energy back faster.


A single 30mm hits you? It can, depends on if you feed the snail recently or not. The airframe is not 8.7 worthy, it doesnt gain speed back fast nor does it keep it well enough like its contemporaries at the 8.7 bracket. The mig 15 is a much more solid fighter and you could also play the La 200 since it has decent energy imo but it does feel like it gain its back to fast.

Also mind the quality had to cut to fit 19 secs. Also my shit aim lmao haven’t used this thing in a long time.

Burst, as I said, not a single projectile.

Doesnt really matter, if you’ve used the gun you’d know its hit or miss. You’re just hoping the snail favors you more than your enemy with these cannons. A very good set of 30mm is found on the Japanese planes though they fall off imo on the R2Y2, but thats probably a skill issue.

Well I normally just run away from them and avoid the fight, so I don’t lol

I’ve come to realize that the hard way

IDK man… Every time they’ve hit me, they REALLY hit. My wing’s are so scared of them, that they eject themselves…

Hmm ok. Maybe I just need practice fighting them, bc I’ve tried doing this and they still absolutely slap me

Yeah the stealth belts are annoying, but it’s more the maneuverability that is the worst part

So especially with the sabres, what you can do at this br, is simply fly straight out of the airfield instead of climbing, and then when you hit your max speed at that alt, you can pitch up and effectively zoomclimb to the altitude you would have climbed to by slowclimbing. So you can cut out the whole stage where you are slow and an easy target by doing this, and begin energy fighting either at a high speed off the deck, or convert that speed into altitude just before the battle, and play it that way. This is how it works for most jets at this BR and later BR’s. In jets i would advise that you try to stay away from hard vertical manouvers, keeping speed is the key to survival, if you miss a pass then its not an issue, if you keep your speed you can keep going for more passes and energy trap the other guy, and you will be a lot harder to 3rd party. Its better to miss and zoom off than to pull hard to try and avoid the overshoot but make yourself a free kill for the guy’s teammates. When you are at your max speed then you should find it pretty easy to deal with the SAAB-105’s and SK-60’s. Honestly, the best way to learn how to beat various vehicles is to play them, so if you are anywhere near that br on sweden air, give it a go and see what it feels like.

The whole everytime you die to them you see how strong they are is something that happens when you never played that vehicle. I remember complaining about the J21’s on sweden when i was playing britain and now that ive played the J21’s i can say the community has a huge skill issue. They dont turn too well or gain energy and they lose energy so easily. Your biggest advantage is a nose mounted 20mm and 2 13.2mm guns on the wings which lets you win head ons and thats all they’ve got going for them lol. I really recommend you try their air tree before forming such a strong opinion because unlike their ground tree their air tree is pretty bad lol. Its has a few gems but they are far and few between.

Also in my can see how slow I turn at lower speeds. Not the best example but i recommend looking at some vids, i think Defyn played it recently, im not a huge defyn or really any air youtuber watcher but i know people like his content.

Ok, I’ll try that


Okay, well now I’m getting conflicting advice…

Okay, I’ll try and remember to just stay fast

I’m somewhat, but won’t have them for a while

Yeah, I try avoiding that mentality but I can’t for some reason with the SAAB-105’s…


I’m not at that stage just yet, but am looking forward to playing them bc of my mindset of them rn

Speed is key. And not every vehicle plays the same. Some do great at lower or higher. The biggest thing is trying what works for you. Find what vehicle you play at that BR and see how it works. You can see in the vid i slowly overshoot the enemy but he had just dived and turned around i was staying above the battlefield and dived and forgot to throw airbrake. In some cases you just set yourself in to a bad spot (lord knows how many times ive done it.) A big thing is to know whats around you. If you commit to a turn fight you’re going to be slow and its easy for a 3rd party to take you out. Sometimes you dont have a chance to turnfight because there are too many opponents. A lot of engagements focus on who keeps their energy and where you are. If the saab gets behind you he’ll probably throw a missile at you to try and bleed your speed. Additionally if you get behind him he’ll probably either try to out turn you so you can’t get gun or he’ll try to run away. It’ll be up to you to decide to slow down or keep your speed.