For the FOV thing, wouldn’t this cover that, or is it not enough?
(Stolen from Smoak’s bug report)
No, it’s about being able to rotate the container. And I’m talking about the FOV of the zoom section. I mean, what kind of zoom it should have.
Ah, I see
Anyone here has information about the very first version of GOES optical system ?, some of them mounted on Mi-8MTKO (maybe).
It’s a MTKO, yeah
And for the OE system, it uses GOES-321 I believe
Wish we had an update on this. I would really like to see the USSR air tree get a proper pod.
I check that post more often than I want to admit.
With the KH29TD now only tracking within 7KM, it’s getting very painful to play RU CAS (outside of the SM3). The 29 and 27 could really use a pod.
Hopefully RU air gets a little help. In general the state of it is sad. The SU24M coming won’t change anything.
It always only tracked within 7km, somewhere between 6 and 7km.
The T always tracked from 6-7 but the TD was 9-12 when introduced with the SMT
No, it was always the same. The only difference with the TD is the battery life is longer, letting it glide further.
But both of them have the same seeker. They ground lock outside 6-7km, and track tanks inside 6-7km.
(It will never be added)
I looked through all my clips and could only find one of me in the SMT shooting KH-29s, but here’s an 8KM tracking shot.
The TD does have extended range due to greater battery time, agreed. But IG it definitely used to track beyond 6-7KM. 11 was possible on Flarakrads and larger targets
Its just ground locked, it doesn’t start tracking until 6-7km.
When they get inside tracking range, they capture any targets near their crosshair.
I cancelled the ground lock, and relocked the tank at ~8.1-7.9km
When that video was recorded, a ground lock justified the reticle to the side of the tank. Notice it is fully on the tank when the missile is fired
They were both ground locks. It was tank tracking locks that would put the reticle a bit to the side of the tank previously.
The Kh-29TD has always had the tracking range files as the Kh-29T. You can rollback the datamined files to around 2.29 when it was added, and it still has the same range values,
“rangeBand0”: 12000.0
Which is the base tracking range before the size of the target is considered. And for tanks, the locking range is roughly half the rangeBand0.
Its the same for the Kh-29T, and the Kh-29TE, “rangeBand0”: 12000.0.
Changes they did make between 2.29 and now, they added 2 lines
“useTrippleClickLockInTpv”: true
“applyExtraDifficultyParameters”: true
Probably related to the TV weapon control logic rework they did recently.
But the rest of the guidance subsection is unchanged since it was first added to the live server.