Russian Bias in 2024?

Visual and invisible damage models will desync and both will miss.
Bush? Both hit. I say this cause I’ve hit tanks around bushes with AGM-114s with ease in the past… back before the 12km SPAA was common.

Did you see the latest thunderstats?

German 3-5 has CRATERED to like 30-40% WR lmao. Playing around that BR it felt this way too, quite interesting to see. I did lot more CAP/SPAA lately due to this, salty Yak-9k spammers weren’t happy sometimes.

Right now during the event I’m playing sparingly, it’s actually horrible in Ground during weekend if you play Germany often xD

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Strange, maybe a few percent at most, because @KillaKiwi posted a video on here last week showing them descending, 0% throttle, and the crosshairs did not move and the plane did not slow down AT ALL with multiple 45mm shots. It was a laser.

Or are you actually trying to say it’s realistic and balanced? If you played more than 10 matches in that 3-5 br range recently you’d know this.

Lmao, you found some BR2-3 and a BR7? German CAS plane that is actually slightly effective? German CAS sucks compared to other nations IMO.

Wyvern, IL8, Yaks are better IMO.

Looks for me like a karma moment after all this CAS spams from German tree players:

You do have a point here, BVM was never at the same level as the Strvs, they dominate the game and did in the past. However, Abrams were also lagging due to their weak larger lower galicias, and the fact that they could not outmaneuver both tanks. Plus loud sound which everyone uses to detect them.

ADATS and Tungi did balance each other out in a way. But panstir is better in terms of controlling the air space. Still ADATS can be used as anti tank anti chopper vehicle.

Has anyone played the new A-10, i think it seems like the SM3 counter plus the new harrier should increase us anti ground capabilities.

However, in the future when launching 2a7 tank or whatever that tank maybe there should be credible counters to such tanks.

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I do remember that Abrams engine sound use to be louder.
I cannot remember those days, but I can appreciate the fact that Abrams’ engine today is very quiet which leads me to flanking enemies in cities quite easily.

Also the AV-8Bs are the SM3 equivalent 1:1,. but supersonics are better than all of them.

Heh heh congrats you’re lying how do i know it?

not with range like 5KM while Vikhr and hand guided with that range hellfire total can’t hand guided in any range to hit moving target also depend on internet speed too (same fashion with starstreak) and trajectory not the same with Vikhr it make it impossible to hit without clear lock

Behind the bush with hellfire total BS and you know why? because bush can be use as cover against laser and as nature of hellfire type of missile need to clear lock to hit target unless it total stationary target
Speed Vikhr take less time to hit target than any Heli ATGM in the game
air bust fuse? non heli base ATGM have that

Sorry about that but you’re lying like i said you total can’t BS me in of heli categories

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@ARK_BOI should really play more heli PVE. Visual models desync from damage models as low as ~3km +/- 500 meters margin of error.
Same happens when player vehicles are moving, though I don’t know if that has changed more recently. Happened at least a month ago when I was in Mirage 2000DR1.

Oh, and bushes are smaller than tanks on-average.

Keep claiming that everyone is bad though, all you do is prove NATO players right.

Another topic, and it is called sound, man I have problems hearing sound in top tier like there is no tomorrow, tanks in general creep up and are about 10ms next to my tank without really noticing them.

In general no matter who I play, sound is no longer directional instead its loud in both earphones, or not detected at all, I have my settings set to low engine and high on opponents engine.

Is this my perception or are you guys experiencing the same?

I have the sound settings manually set to stereo, and the output manually selected.
I also have dedicated headphones of decent quality.
It should always be directional.

Ohh I did not know that you can set it to stereo, perhaps that is why I might be experiencing sound issues, I have Bose 100 euro headphones not the best but should work.

I’m sure it not the same

Really? compare heli to Mirage? WTF because of both using laser?
did you forget that
Heli are flying lower 200 meter or less from ground in average
Hellfire when firing it go up and then come down
Nord firing from mirage don’t have same trajectory of hellfire it act total different
If this the best you can do i guess you should stop spreading your BS anywhere else
Compare Heli by using Mirage as measured damn this is beyond ridiculous

Desync happening at-range doesn’t discriminate on what vehicle you’re in.

Well there some tricks I learned during my time playing AH MK1 it called leading the target possible when missile have trajectory in straight line (like starstreak and Vikhr) not working in top down attacks trajectory like hellfire which mean even in desync it still possible to hit target if hand guided at correct positions done this many times in AH MK1(with starstreak) and MI-28NM
Well if can’t do that I can’t rack up hunt down KA and MI with AH MK1 aim directly at moving target with starstreak in never gonna hit

let not forget platform matters aswell, imagine if f16c and su25 both used mavericks, in that scenario if they had weapons of exactly same capability the f16 would just be better and su25 would be trash, so if su25 can stay relevant for the sake of balance it would need better weapons,
besides they both can track target from same distance, the khs just get there faster

But they aren’t are they? You missed the entire point. F-16C also faces Pantsirs and has go within it’s radius to kill it and it’s Mavericks not only are very slow, unreliable but also can be easily intercepted with no skill at all.

Meanwhile Su-25SM3 has more range than all SPAAs and KH-38’s are faster, deadlier and cheaper to spawn too, things like ADATS can’t even intercept them.

i agree that we need better spaa for nato countries, but su25 is not the problem when f16c can take 6 ir mavs + amraam + actual flight performance

hh,If you want to talk about this topic, then I have to talk about prejudice against China, for example, the recent issue of armor with the ZTZ99A

Yeah it’s good but also keep in mind that USA doesn’t have anything else, no tanks with spall liners, no good SPAA, no good helis. Only thing setting USA apart was the F-16C CAS but right now the France is basically better with same F-16C as CAS, Ito 90M, Helis with F&F atgms and Leclercs also have 5 second reload and better mobility than Abrams, only lacking in cheek armor, but also it’s autoloaded so no loader down debuff and no Ace crew requirement.

There iz no Russian bias, Komrad.


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