Russian Bias in 2024?

Nope I don’t wanna be team up with bunch of deadweight premium everytime i play Sweden or German

RU players especially wallet warriors are deadweight mentally speaking, their line up is just broken which mitigates it. Take for example the Ka-50 that always fly straight up to 2000 meters yet remain effective, or the 2S38 which is a better SPAAG than the Otomatic at a much lower BR

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At least they spawn something after they die once
Clickbait on the other hand just leave after they’re dead

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Keep attacking players, and defending Russian weapons.
2S38 doesn’t have a search radar nor a 76mm auto-cannon. It’s objectively inferior as SPAA to OTOMATIC.

Ka-50 is always within SAM range as well.

This is objectively false.


I’m not talking unobtainable vehicles.

I’m talking shell out your card and buy vehicles for line-ups, which Russia has had the upper hand in for years.

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Can you blame them? Abrams is pretty garbage and there’s nothing close in BR to accommodate it.

What, the KVT? Another POS Abrams that is essentially a fake tank because the real KVT is an M1A2 and not A1? No thanks, many say - And and I don’t blame them.

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The KVT modelled in game is the original M1 variant while the IRL ones from the pictures are A1 variants not the 105 M1 or the M1A2

Note the lack of CITV on the kvt in the picture

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That gun barrel looks too large for a 105, so I don’t think you’re disproving me, here.

The M1A1 uses the 120mm M256 gun, what do you mean?

M1 and M1A1 aren’t the same, M1A1 introduced improved armor and the new gun, and M1A2 introduced a CITV and further improved armor.

MKVT in a sense, is one of the strongest tank at it BR. What bro talking about it being garbo , maybe bro just have skill issue ? Why would i not blame the premium player when they acting like ape after getting their hand on the MKV/Click bait and come on to here to complain. We got so much thread about US players crying about their stuff bad and USSR biased. When more relevant posts like more spaa , br compression are barely being made.


Funny how American APFSDS from thr 1990s performs better than Russian APFSDS from the 2010s.

The “real” KVT is not an A2. They were built as M1A1s then modified for the vismod.

One of the strongest tanks with incorrect armor and shell that lacks penetration capabilities compared to contemporaries? You are both subjectively and objectively incorrect. Go take a walk or something and clear your head.

Also, this thread isn’t about BR compression issues or SPAA issues. Those are elsewhere on the forums.

You’re just making piss-poor arguments just to aggravate people. Go take a walk.

That doesn’t sound accurate to me but I could be misremembering. I will double-check later on when I have some time.

Lmao so ignore the mobility and it reload rate, that alone make it better than all of the tank in the same BR range. I said

not about those thing , you can’t even read probably , why are you yappin about tank quality. Literally get good , the MKVT can’t be given more or else it will be the strongest tank at it br , the only thing above it right now is the german 2A4 and CV9105 and the wolfpack

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Mobility is the same as the Leopards. Reload rate is a non-argument now as many other tanks also got 5 second reload rates. Do you even read the update logs?

Rest of your post is an ignorant nothingburger and not worth responding to. Go take a walk.

Like how many with it mobility and reload , you need to combine both not cherry picking to make yourself look right


Also this is peak funny when you got 51 battle in the vehicle and a 0.5 kda. I don’t know what bro doing running around with less than 100 battle in the vehicle and sub 1.0 kda then call the tank garbo


Mobility? Leopards. STRVs. Type 90/10. Arietes are slightly slower.

As for the reload rates, basically everyone got the same ace crew reload rate. How bout you actually read the update logs for a change?

Also, there’s a reason I quit playing it " bro ".

It’s garbage.