Yeah probably correct
But there are a lot of tanks that should go up or down…
My bad… where I come from its called udssr and not ussr…
Yeah probably correct
But there are a lot of tanks that should go up or down…
My bad… where I come from its called udssr and not ussr…
Typical childish, under 18 response, and you wonder why adults won’t allow kids to vote. You are too imature and irrisponsible. Don’t bother even TRYING to work out my gameplay by looking at my stats. They mean absolutely jack shit. You have no idea how I play. I am quite happy and more than willing to take one for the team if it means we WIN. People who like to call “skill issue” do so because they have no concept what so ever of what TEAMWORK means. I am a team player, not a child that thinks K/D ratio is the be all and end all of everything.
I don’t give a shit about k/d. I play the objective. You will NEVER find me sitting back pot shotting like a noob who is too scared to come out from under the rock they found and crawled under.
I have been 1-3 shotting them with the fox.
Except what you reported has nothing to do with K/D or teamwork, it’s you apparently failing to kill a tracked and barreled unnamed russian medium in a King Tiger. That is a pretty bad skill issue.
Rich coming from the guy who thinks Russian bias is real…
Same i just finished researching all the modules on the freccia and a short burst there and they blow, from my experience they gave me on average less troubles to kill than the leo 2 or abrams with the autocanon and specially with the spikes.
I much prefer fighting russian mbts because they seem to be easier to oneshot. Hit the lower center mass and they go pop.
Leos seem to absorb shots more often.
I didn’t even look at your stats, your explanation of what happened was enough.
OMG, this is the worst troll I’ve ever seen in my life.
First one is correct at lower BRs, and top tier.
There is some irony in the 2nd one.
What’s wrong with the M4A2?
Please be parody
T26E5 is the best heavy tank I’ve used at 6.7. Soviet guns have troubles with it rather above its BR.
Agreed. I’d rate it higher than the Tiger II H just due to its survivability against the soviet 122mm, and its overall better armour protection.
Just because average Russians main fail to make it work doesn’t mean it wasn’t there
If not then why gaijin don’t try make western tanks close to real life performance and can access the advanced armament? It obvious that Gaijin know if they do that
Russia don’t have a god damn chance they are too scared so instead we stuck with 90+ version of Maverick for the west while Russia have 2012 ATGM (where Brimstone?)
DM53 and L27A1 lack anti ERA gaijin are too scared to add because there only one nation will be fall victim to it the most so they decided to make it not work like it supposed to.
Because western older tech better than Russians tech? well it not western fault that they better making stuff than Russia.
Best round goes to NATO.
Best thermal solution goes to NATO.
Best survivability goes to NATO.
Best armor goes to NATO.
Best mobility goes to NATO.
Soviets get best ERA and that’s it.
Also DM53 is only confirmed to go through T-72B and T-90A, which it already does.
If it got it’s “anti-ERA” it changes nothing.
All your post has done is further say there’s no Russian bias.
Well yeah… I dont think anyone would argue that.
If they did historical mm, US would dominate everything post ww2. Where is the fun in that?
Are you sure about that
as it designed for still underperform to real life counterpart (not good enough)
isn’t it?
go through K-5 you said?
from distance of 723 meter away (when round still have almost to full energy) shoot with L/55A1 DM53
result penetration failed
If anti ERA was in the game, it will go through but no it should have gone through even with L/44 not even make to to L/55 let alone L/55A1
A test firing is on a runway, perfectly* flat from a distance.
The last time I tested this the shell barely went through, which is what’s supposed to happen.
Since War Thunder [nor any piece of gaming software] simulate barely-perforated shots, you on average need ~20mm more pen than the armor it can perforate in order for a clean penetration in War Thunder.
Yes, this includes 3BM60.
if anti era, was it the game flat is not necessary and with that close range too
it sure as hell it not in the game like you said
maybe go ask @Jεcka he can tell you more than me about anti era on DM53
and if DM53 can’t exactly go through K-5 like it supposed to there is no way in heaven L27A1 which also had anti ERA can
because it also can’t lol